Fanfic by Author – K

Alphabetical by the author's last name or handle.

A | Ba | Br | C| D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | Sa | Sm | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z



Gotta Love That Chocolate
A supermarket scene that revives the old chocolate vs. Rocky Road debate.


  Nominated Best New Author 2001

» Read the Writer's Showcase interview at Annesplace

Be Mine
At the end of the episode "Pheromone, My Lovely," Lois is extremely annoyed by Clark's insistence that she admit her attraction to him. But her exaggerated dismissal of her feelings obviously doesn't convince her partner...and maybe not even herself.

Best Intentions
When wondering why Lois and Clark can't see that they're made for each other, Jack and Jimmy come up with a cunning plan... A multiauthored story by Kaethel and Wendy Richards.

Bozo the Clown's Long Lost Daughter Vs. Nearly Headless Tank - The Ultimate Fight
What happens when a very evil writer cuts and dyes the hair of another very evil writer? Find out in this bit of total insanity. A multiauthored story by Kaethel and Tank Wilson.

Captive Audience
When Lois needs to hear a few home truths about her relationship with Lex Luthor, what better way to get her to listen but to wait until it's impossible for her to escape that painful conversation? A multiauthored story by Kaethel and Wendy Richards.

Carbon Copy: A Kaethel Epilogue
After spending their first real date in Paris, Lois and Clark are reluctant to let the evening end and return to the loneliness of their apartments. Will they resist the urge to be together without wasting any more time? Do they even want to resist it? Find out in this epilogue to Wendy Richards' "Carbon Copy."

Change of Heart
Being separated from her best friend during her engagement to Lex leads Lois to realize how much an essential part of her life Clark has become. But will she find the courage to confront her unexpected feelings?

Dance of the Seven Capes
Every woman in love may think her man looks like Superman, but even while "drunk on love" from the pheromone perfume, Lois notices there is more than a passing resemblance between Clark and her favorite super-hero.

Desperate Measures
Devastated by Lois's rejection of his human self in the episode "Barbarians at the Planet," Clark decides to put his feelings at risk and give Lois the one and only thing that can still prevent her from marrying Lex Luthor... A multiauthored story by Kaethel and Wendy Richards.

If Living Is Without You
Clark is living through his worst nightmare, but is the harsh reality he needs to face the complete truth? Or are tricky circumstances playing unashamedly with his feelings? A multiauthored story by Kaethel and Wendy Richards.

Loving Arms
Clark is shown a glimpse of a Lois he rarely sees in this "Prankster" episode rewrite. How can he deal with a partner who is frightened and vulnerable, without letting his own feelings get in the way?

Magical Night
Going home from her first date with Clark is a frightening moment for Lois, but will the temptation to find out where their relationship could lead be stronger than the urge to slam the door in his face?

Midnight Confessions
Ever wonder what might have happened during the stakeout in the episode "Target: Jimmy Olsen" if Superman hadn't been needed and Scardino hadn't decided to show up? Ever wonder what might have happened if two good friends decided to get together and work on a WAFFy rewrite of this scene? We'll give you one hint as to the consequences: smoochies! A multiauthored story by Kaethel and Tracey.

My Immortal
After Clark dies in TOGOM (the episode "That Old Gang of Mine"), Lois finds out that her love is more resilient than she ever suspected.

Naked Truth
A game of cards to while away a boring stakeout turns into a steamy -- and hilarious -- interlude for Lois and Clark.

Near Wild Heaven - Half a World Away
After he witnesses Lois accepting Lex's proposal in the episode "Barbarians at the Planet," Clark Kent leaves Metropolis, dispirited and lonely, to begin a new life in Paris. Lois, too, is finding life less than blissful. But fate is about to step in and take a hand in turning their lives around...

Nothing to Lose
In the episode "Barbarians at the Planet," Clark worked up the courage to confess his feelings to Lois, only to be turned down by the woman he loved. But what if he'd thrown all caution to the wind and shown the extent of his feelings for her instead of just telling her about them?

Point of No Return
Too tired with Clark taking one step forward and two steps backwards where their relationship is concerned, Lois decides to take action and confront him immediately, and force him to acknowledge the dawning romance between them. But as with every decision, putting it into practice turns out to be a lot more intimidating than she'd planned.

The Prisoner
A few hours before her wedding to Lex, Lois is trying to ease some of the tension preceding the big event by wandering around the corridors of her future home. But what she finds in a forgotten cellar might compromise her decision to marry her fiance... A multiauthored story by Kaethel and Wendy Richards.

Rapture in Metropolis
Being a reporter involves an ability to act quickly when one's cover needs to be protected. As Lois and Clark are parading as newlyweds in the Honeymoon Suite of the Lexor Hotel, a little performance for the benefit of a maid stirs a longing for each other that they didn't suspect. A multiauthored story by Kaethel and Wendy Richards.

The Return of the Son of the Brother of the Revenge of the Evil Haircut
This is it. Lois has finally decided to take the plunge and get a haircut. But can she trust a fashionable beauty parlour called "Wild Style" with her looks? Find out in this response to Tank Wilson's de-retirement-challenge.

Seasons Out of Time
When Lois's past catches up with her, she is forced to face one of her biggest mistakes. Can the frightening trip down memory lane make her realise that her future could well be with that mild-mannered partner of hers?

Silence in the Heart
When friendship unexpectedly slips into love, will Lois and Clark listen to their hearts? A multiauthored story by Kaethel and Wendy Richards.

Smallville 39
In this alternate beginnings story, Lois Lane finds that all her clues in her new assignment lead to a small town in Kansas...and a handsome stranger for whom she seems to have a more than passing attraction.

Surfacing Memories
Left in a state of loneliness and despair after witnessing Clark being shot by Clyde Barrow, Lois goes home to try and cling onto reminiscences that are too quickly slipping out of her reach. But her steps and thoughts guide her into colliding with her drifting memories, challenging a dark future that she couldn't bring herself to face alone...

Sweet Surrender
Being presented with his first Kerth Award made it a magical night for Clark, but little did he know that the evening wasn't over yet, and that a much more exciting prize was awaiting him, on a walk back to Lois' apartment -- a walk that would transform their relationship in more ways than he could ever have dreamt of.

Tangled Wisdom
Clark *needs* to talk to Lois, but will she accept what he has to tell her, or is she going to be very angry?

To See the Future
As the Nightfall Asteroid falls to Earth, Lois needs to make a decision on an offer from Lex Luthor. A multiauthored story by Wendy Richards, Kaethel and YC.

An Unexpected Valentine
It's Valentine's Day, and Lois's dream date didn't turn out to be as magical as she had planned. Can her unexpected encounter with a handsome stranger change the dull and lonely fate she thinks herself destined for?

Valentine's Secrets
Valentine's Day had always been special for Clark, even when he'd had no one to celebrate it with. This year, he has Lois...and a few secrets to share. But will she appreciate the surprises he has planned for her?

When Yesterday Becomes Tomorrow
What happened when Lois opened her window? Story 6 in the Yesterday Series. A multiauthored story by Kaethel and Wendy Richards.

Whisper From the Dying
What would have happened if Clark had declared his love to Lois before dying in TOGOM (the episode "That Old Gang of Mine")? A multiauthored story by Kaethel and Wendy Richards.

Wild Ride
After their first real kiss, we rarely saw either Lois or Clark take the initiative to step over the line of friendship. But what if Clark had become tired of standing in the background while Scardino courted Lois? What if he'd decided to show her and not just tell her that he wanted them to be more than best friends?

A Year Ago Today
A few weeks after Lois's almost-wedding to Lex, Clark decides it's time to pick up the pieces of their relationship... and maybe build something new. A multiauthored story by Kaethel and Wendy Richards.

Yesterday's Mistakes
Clark tries to explain to Mayson. Story 5 in the "Yesterday" series. A multiauthored story by Kaethel and Wendy Richards.

Yesterday's Secrets
It's Lois's turn again -- will she forgive Clark? Story 3 in the Yesterday Series. A multiauthored story by Kaethel and Wendy Richards.

You Were Mine
The quiescence of night is favorable for introspection from Lois in this Season 2 vignette -- a little soul-searching that leads her to discover some truths in regard to her rocky relationship with Clark. A multiauthored story by Kaethel and Tracey.

Erin Karper

Champagne Wishes & Clark Dreams
It's the morning after the night before ... something ... happened. Lois, reeling with a hangover, jumps to conclusions when she finds an apologetic note from Clark.

Power of 2
Lois gives up on Clark and has a talk with Superman.


In The Elevator
In this pre-revelation, pre-romance story, Lois and Clark get stuck in the Planet elevator one Friday evening. Close proximity can be a wonderful thing...


  Voted Best New Author 2014

The Apartment
Sequel to "The Letter." Superman has taken to heart some of the things Lois said in her letter. What will happen when one of Lucy's granddaughters turns up to contest part of Aunt Lois' will?

Arrival of Destiny
Lois has been waiting since she was 19 years old to meet a certain, super-special someone. Sequel to "Vision of Destiny" and Part 2 in the "Destiny" series.

Lois used to doodle the 'S' on her pad ... now she doodles something else.

In the Arms of an Angel
Clark and Lois celebrate the New Year. Sequel to "In the Still of the Night," "In the Light of the Morning" and "In the Glow of the Firelight."

In the Glow of the Firelight
Martha watches Clark and Lois. Sequel to "In the Still of the Night" and "In the Light of the Morning."

In the Light of the Morning
Clark wakes to find Lois on his bedroom window seat. Sequel to the author's "In the Still of the Night."

In the Still of the Night
Lois' thoughts when she comes across something surprising in the middle of the night.

The Letter
Superman receives a completely unexpected letter. Will he have to face up to decisions he has made in the past? Will he have to face emotions that he had buried for years?

Movie Night
Best friends, Lois and Clark, have movie night quite often. This one ends a little differently from all the previous ones.

My Best Friend's Wish
Clark knows what his wife's Christmas wish is, but a trip to the hospital has him making his own Christmas wish.

A Pirate Affair
Historical alternate universe. When her father, Commodore Lane of the British Navy in the Caribbean, is kidnapped, Lois sets off to rescue him, finding her way onto the Pirate Ship Kandor and falling for the First Mate: Kal.

Practically Married
Lois and Clark are practically married but don't realise it.

Clark finds Lois' notepad. Sequel to "Doodles." Read that first. It won't take long.

Seen Through a Glass Window
Clark's front door is quite see-through. So is the conference room door. What might someone see if they happened to look through at the wrong time?

A T-shirt Revelation
Lois feels it's time that Clark had one of these, and it's his birthday soon, so it's the perfect present. What will come to light when he wears it?

Under the Spotlight
An alt-universe story in which Clark revealed himself to the world at 18 years old and is the most famous man/celebrity in the world. Lois Lane is the most famous/glamorous news discussion/talk-show host. What will happen when Superman is a guest on her show?

Vision of Destiny
Lois meets an old woman who has some unbelievable things to tell her.

Waiting in Line
Clark visits Metropolis for a "Christmas away" with his parents and ends up waiting in line with an annoying girl to see Santa.

The Wedding Pact
Clark and Lois vow to marry each other at 35 if they haven't found anyone else. It's Lois' 34th birthday and she keeps setting Clark up on dates with other women. Is she dreading marrying him so much?


This is an insight into Clark's mind while he is captured in Luthor's kryptonite-cage.


My Girl
A scene from a movie they are watching triggers memories for Lois and Clark. A short pre-relationship story.

Lyla Katz

A Lois and Clark Christmas
A sweet little Christmas story.

There Was Me, Then There Was You
A twist on the story we all know and love.

Michelle Kavanagh

Family Affair
Clark and Lois's young daughter has some insecurities to sort out before she finds her niche in this vignette.


  Voted Best New Author 2003

All or Nothing
Lois and Clark are at a cross-roads, and must decide -- do they want all, or nothing?

In Dreams
Alone in life, they share a connection for nine bittersweet nights a year. But as reality blurs with dreams and they discover the reasons for their link, will they find it a blessing or a curse?

Ordinary Lovers
A familiar conversation takes an unfamiliar turn. Two extraordinary people discuss their ordinary worries.

Seeing the Best of You
Lois is dating Clark and is having difficulty coming to terms with her feelings for Superman. A multiauthored story by Kaylle and Sarah Luddy.

Kaz from Oz

Tempus Fugitive Revisited
A thoughtful, intriguing rewrite of the episode "Tempus Fugitive," in which a darker, more sinister Tempus travels back in time to attempt his murderous agenda.


  Voted Best New Author 2013

All Shook Up -- Matchmaker Style
Clark has to deal with Nightfall, but now when he goes missing his wife, Lois, is searching desperately for him and when she finds him is desperate to restore his memory. This is the fourth in the Matchmaker Style series. This is the fourth in the Matchmaker Style series.

After Summer Camp -- Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1C -- A
This story takes place in the Matchmaker Chronicles universe. Lois and Clark have been married for approximately sixteen years. The family has been on vacation in Smallville. It is the end of summer and the kids will be turning to school. Jon is starting middle school and makes a new friend the first day. This story introduces the Hattie Kaplin character. This story is a sequel to "Summer Camp -- Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1C."

Aurora Borealis -- The Complete Story
Lois and Clark have just been married and are preparing to leave on their honeymoon when they are interrupted and Lois is kidnapped. Who took her and where is a mystery that needs to be solved.

Barbarians at the Planet -- Matchmaker Style
31,651 words (171Kb)
This is the 12th in the series. Clark and Lois have both gone undercover to get the goods on Luthor. Clark is pretending to be dead while Lois is pretending to fall for Luthor's charms. In the meantime, Henderson has Nigel and is getting information from him.

Borrowed Time -- The Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 2
This story starts approximately two years after the events in 'The Family Hour.' Lois and Clark are still under the impression that they will be unable to have children. We move forward to the time when Lois and Clark have been married for approximately thirty years. They are visited by H.G. Wells, who is trying to iron out some discrepancies in the historical record of the Kent family of the L&C canon Universe. We continue to move through their lives to the point of Lois' death from old age. We explore the possibility of Clark being reunited with his soul mate again.

Christmas 2015: Matchmaker Chronicles Vol 1 CG2
This is the second part of the prologue for a longer NextGen story and follows up on the events of Thanksgiving and deals with events around Christmas 2015.

Clark and Lois -- Despair to Hope -- Matchmaker Chronicle Volume 4
This is the second story in the "Clark and Lois arc"; it follows "Lost Years." When Alt Lois was shot by the rebel, there were two possible outcomes: 1) she lived, 2) she died. In this story we return to the Alt canon universe where Lois died. As he tries to cope with her death, a chance remark by a friend reminds Alt Clark that there are many Lois Lanes in the multi-verse. Clinging to this hope, with Herb's help Alt Clark embarks on a series of missions to other universes while the resources of TTEMPO search for a Lois without a Clark.

Clark and Lois -- Hope Realized -- Matchmaker Chronicle Volume 5
After performing his own version of the twelve labors of Hercules, H.G. Wells finally transfers Alt-Clark to a universe where there is a Lois without a Clark, but it is up to Alt-Clark to form a relationship with her. How and why did this Lois lose her Clark? Can Alt-Clark just step into his shoes and take his place?

Clark and Lois -- The Lost Years Matchmaker Chronicle Volume 3
As Alt Clark and Herb are leaving canon Lois and Clark at the end of "Lois and Clarks," Herb offers his services in the search for Alt Lois. Herb moves Alt Clark into the past so that he can unite with Lois as she proceeds with the investigation, but things don't work out exactly as Herb planned.

Clark and Lois -- Two Universes -- Matchmaker Chronicle Volume 7
This is part 4 of the Clark and Lois arc. Alt-Clark and his new Lois are dealing with Luckabee in one universe and Luthor in the other and use what they learn in each universe to help solve the problem in the other. Along the way they save a little girl's life and rescue Jack and Denny from the mean streets.

Clark and Lois -- When Worlds and Universes Collide -- Matchmaker Chronicle Volume 8
When representatives from New Krypton arrive looking for Kal-El -- worlds collide. When the trial-by-combat starts to keep it from being too lopsided, universes collide when Herb brings in auxiliaries from other universes.

Fallout -- 2016 -- Matchmaker Chronicles Vol 1 CG3
Story Size: 50,692 words (266Kb)
This is the NextGen story that follows up on the events of Thanksgiving and Christmas 2015 and reveals the outcome of the interactions with Bud.

First Love -- Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1D -- 1L
This story takes place in the Matchmaker Chronicles universe. Lois and Clark have been married a little over forty years. The family is having a Labor Day party at the Kent homestead in Metropolis. This story is a sequel to "Summer Camp -- Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1C."

Foundling -- Matchmaker Style
This is the eighth story in the Matchmaker Style series. Clark finally learns about his origins, but in the process Lex Luthor almost learns too much. In the process of looking for the missing orb, Clark finds and recovers some missing or unknown works of art.

Game Night -- Matchmaker Chronicle Volume 1C -- C
After their Halloween adventure Jon Kent invites his best friend Hattie Kaplin over for a game night. Hattie doesn't know it, but she comes close to figuring out the family secret after watching a movie with Jon and Lara.

The Green, Green Glow of Home -- Matchmaker Style
What if Sheriff Rachel Harris hadn't been there to shoot Trask when he was about to shoot Clark in the back? What if Sherman hadn't turned on Trask and released Lois. What if Herb had stepped in to help? Let's explore the possibilities.

Halloween in Metropolis -- Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1CD
It's Halloween again and the new superheroes, Kam-El and Ultra Woman 2, are called upon once again to help out, this time in Metropolis.

Halloween in Smallville -- Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1C - B
This story takes place in the Matchmaker Chronicles canon universe. Lois and Clark have been married for approximately 16 years. They live in Metropolis with their eight children. Jonathan, their eldest, started middle school this year. Jon and his siblings are being rewarded for good grades by going to a Corn Festival type party celebrating Halloween in Smallville.

Hattie Kaplin, Reporter -- Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1-N
Hattie is now in her twenties and is working at the Daily Planet, on the city desk as an investigative reporter under the editorial direction of the team of Lane and Kent who were promoted to co-editors-in-chief when Perry White retired. This story is a sequel to "After Summer Camp -- Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1C - A."

Hattie and Mr. X -- Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1 - P
This story takes place in the Matchmaker Chronicles universe. Hattie Kaplin has had a long-standing relationship with Jon Kent and the entire Kent family; in fact she is almost part of the family. Recently she had been brought in on the family secret that the Kents are in fact the super family.

Hattie and the Main Street Bomber -- Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1 - O
Have you ever heard a frustrated parent say to a difficult child, "Just wait, someday you'll have children and I hope they do to you what you have been doing to me"? Well, Lois is now editor of the Daily Planet and Hattie Kaplin is on the city desk. Enough said.

Honeymoon in Metropolis -- Matchmaker Style
This is the third in the Matchmaker Style series. Clark and Lois are finally able to get away for a weekend honeymoon at the Lexor, but something happens to interrupt their fun.

The House of Luthor -- Matchmaker Style
38,716 words (206Kb)
This is the 13th in the Matchmaker Style series and wraps up the set. Clark is pretending to be dead and Lois is pretending to go along with Luthor so that they can get the goods on him.

Hurricane -- Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1B
This story takes place in the Matchmaker Chronicles universe. Lois and Clark have been married for approximately sixteen years. When Superman and Ultra Woman are called to deal with a tropical storm, the kids have an evening at home with Jon, the eldest child, now a teenager, in charge.

Ides of Metropolis: Matchmaker Style
Seventh in the Matchmaker Style series. Lois is convinced that Eugene Laderman is innocent of the murder of which he was just convicted. While trying to prove his innocence, Lois and Clark have to save the fledgling internet.

Illusions of Grandeur -- Matchmaker Style
Sixth in the Matchmaker Style series. Lois and Clark are married and working as a team to discover who is kidnapping the youngsters of wealthy people.

Lois Lane -- Mother of Utopia -- Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1
Lois and Clark have been married for approximately thirty years when they are visited by Herb, who is trying to iron out some discrepancies in the historical record of the Kent family of the L&C canon Universe. This is volume 1 of a larger set which will move through various times and universes.

Lori and Clark: The New New Adventures of Superman: Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 6
In this story we explore the origins of the baby from the episode "The Family Hour." We will examine how he came to be with Lois and Clark and why. We will see what happened while they had him and the trials and tribulations of new parenthood. We will also see what happened with his real parents and why they had to give him up.

Matchmakers Files -- An Unusual Proposal
94,019 words (504Kb)
What if Lois had grown up in Canada? What if she was in America on an expired Visa and INS wanted to deport her? Thanks to the machinations of Tempus, that is the situation Lois finds herself in. How can she avoid deportation? There are very few ways -- one is to marry an American citizen...

Pheromone, My Lovely -- Matchmaker Style
This is the second story in the Matchmaker Style series. The first was GGGoH -- Matchmaker Style. In this sequel to GGGoH -- Matchmaker Style we explore how "Pheromone My Lovely" could be changed by Lois and Clark already being married.

The Rival -- Matchmaker Style
This is the ninth story in the Matchmaker Style series. Lois finds herself having to work with her old college roommate and best friend, Linda King. She doesn't have to worry about Clark because they tell Linda about their marriage; however, Linda thinks that Superman is fair game.

Summer Camp -- Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1C
This story takes place in the Matchmaker Chronicles universe. Lois and Clark have been married for approximately sixteen years. A week after the events of "Hurricane" the Kent clan goes on their vacation starting with a trip to Smallville. This story is a sequel to Hurricane -- Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1B.

Superman and The Shadow - Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 0.5
93,673 words (503Kb)
Once again Tempus kidnaps Lois, only this time there is an accident, and she actually exchanges places with her doppelganger from the other universe. Her double happens to be Margot Lane, the girlfriend of the mysterious crime fighter known to the underworld as "The Shadow."

Thanksgiving 2015 -- Matchmaker Chronicles Vol 1 CG1
This is the first part of a prologue to a longer NextGen story to be written in this series and deals with the events around Thanksgiving 2015.

Thanksgiving in Smallville -- Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1CE
It's Thanksgiving and the Kent family is gathering in Smallville for a big dinner when the celebration is interrupted by an earthquake in California. Kam-El and Ultra Woman 2 get to help out and some special people are rescued.

Vatman -- Matchmaker Style
This is the tenth story in the Matchmaker Style series. Luthor clones Superman, but Lois can easily tell the difference between her husband and the imposter.

Witness -- Matchmaker Style
This is the fifth in the Matchmaker Style series. In the aftermath of "All Shook Up -- Matchmaker Style," Lois gets a call with an offer for an interview with a notorious womanizer. Clark had planned to go with her, but at the last second remembered a scheduled engagement, leaving her to fend for herself.


A Revelation of Trust
Set in season one during the time of "Honeymoon in Metropolis," Lois Lane discovers Clark's secret by chance in an elevator. However, she decides to keep this revelation to herself, hoping that Clark will choose to trust her on his own.

Kent, Kathryn Ann

48 Hours Without a Superman
Clark Kent is without his powers for just 48 hours; what could go wrong? Plenty, as we find in this hilarious accounting of the weekend, as described by his young daughter.

My Adventures with Superman
A young girl invites Superman to Thanksgiving dinner, only to find she has more in common with him than she realizes ... Written from a refreshingly different perspective, this story will charm you.

Alisha Kerby

Lois's Birthday Surprise
It's Lois' birthday, and she waits for her surprise party ... and waits. Perry couldn't have taken her seriously last year when she said she didn't like these things, could he?


A trip inside Lt. Ching's head, exploring his feelings for Zara, in a time set before the episode "Through a Glass, Darkly."


Best Served Cold
Lois punishes Clark for his deception of a secret identity, but who is really suffering? A sequel the fanfic to "Keeping up with Lois."

But He Always Comes Back
His constant running off and disappearances are a danger to their relationship; can't he just stick around?

A Day in the Life of Bobby Bigmouth
Bobby Bigmouth tries to fill his stomach while gathering information before meeting with his favorite reporting team. A look into one of the minor yet important characters in the series with a twist from the DC Comics universe. Story set in mid-season two.

Keeping Up With Lois
It takes all of Superman's powers to keep pace with his fiery partner. How can Clark cope when Lois puts her energies into high gear?

You don't tug on Superman's cape, but he's the nicer of the two superheroes on the planet. Don't even think about messing with Lois Lane!

Planet Carnival
All work and no play makes for grouchy reporters. Everyone can use a day off once in a while!

Show Off
Why would a man as modest and unassuming as Clark grandstand for the whole world to see?

Showing Off
A follow-up to the author's "Show Off." Clark's celestial celebration at the birth of his daughter Lara, as seen through the eyes of others.

What Tangled Webs We Weave
Clark creates yet another fine mess with Lois when he learns how practicing to deceive affects his life as man and Superman.


Change of Heart
A short scene set in the episode "Contact," after Clark breaks up with Lois.

Angee Khan

Lois insists on keeping the secret of her pregnancy from her coworkers at the Daily Planet so that she can continue working.

Touch and Go
While Clark is trying to decide when and if to tell Lois his secret, Lois lends a helping hand to a homeless person who's on the run -- an act of kindness that puts both of them in jeopardy.


Slow Reflexes
Assigned to investigate allegations of thievery on the set of "Dr. Seymour, Medicine Lady," Lois and Clark find it more interesting to probe each other.

Three's a Crowd
Lucy Lane crashes at Lois and Clark's place for a while, and it doesn't take long before her brother-in-law is ready to climb the walls. Very funny story!

Macy Kinler

Clark's perfect day is ruined by an unpleasant discovery. But is everything as it seems?"

After seeing a movie that hits close to home for Lois, she finds herself alone in her apartment contemplating her relationship with Clark. Is there anything between her and Clark? Does she have someone to lean on or is she truly alone? And was Plato's theory of soul mates misunderstood? Leave it to Lois to add new meaning to a 3000-year-old theory.


  Nominated Best New Author 2016

The Missing Baby
My daughter's (very short) imaginings of what happened after the Season 4 finale.

Klair El

Big Girls Do
From the Kent Collection of "The Martha Papers." What does a granddaughter of Clark Kent do about her daughter? Well, she's a granddaughter of Lois Lane, too. Fly and cry? Big Girls Do!

Dances With Wells
Why did Lois Lane resist Clark Kent? The answer lies in the journey of souls, and only H.G. Wells can help Lois find it.

Nirvana Kliese

Bon Appetite
Mindy Church comes up with a foolproof way of getting Kryptonite next to Superman.

Krypton Plus Earth Makes Three
About a month after the honeymoon, Lois begins to suffer from morning sickness.

Thank You
Now that she's given Dan Scardino the boot, Lois is determined to fix her relationship with Clark. And the first task on the list is to make Clark tell her what it is that compels him to bolt at awkward times. An alternate ending to the episode "Whine Whine Whine."

A story written as a sequel to the episode "Seconds," assuming Lois got her memory back after that second blow to the head. Someone who is assumed dead makes a return appearance.

Erin Klingler

» Read the Writer's Showcase interview at Annesplace | 2002 update

The Accidental Husband
With her wedding to Lex only two weeks away, Lois is shocked to discover that, according to city records, she and Clark are married. But as she struggles to resolve the situation in time, she learns some very startling things about the men in her life. Will she be able to break through the red tape in time? Or will she even want to?

All's Fair in Love and Arm Wrestling
On a slow news day, Lois and Clark are bored and desperate for something to do. Then a suggestion from Jimmy brings about an unexpected challenge. Who knew a little boredom could result in this?

Bedtime Stories
Laura gets to know the rest of the Daily Planet family during her first newsroom Christmas party. Episode 3 of S6. A multiauthored story by Erin Klingler, Phil Atcliffe and Carol Malo.

Can't Fight This Feeling
What might have happened the night of Lois and Clark's first official date (in the episode "Lucky Leon") if Lois hadn't chickened out and slammed the door in Clark's face?

Clark's Bedtime Stories
When Lois climbs into bed beside her husband one night, she's surprised to see a huge stack of papers beside him. Apparently, Clark's found a wonderful, fascinating Internet site called ''.

The Costume Controversy
A chicken costume? Short skirts and fishnet stockings? Lois's undercover outfits have always been on the revealing side, but Mad Dog Lane threatens to emerge when her lounge singer get-up gets her mistaken for...a hooker? Husband Clark tries to talk some sense into her about her undercover wardrobe, but Lois dares the most revealingly-dressed man in Metropolis to convince her otherwise!

Dance of the Seven Veils
Clark's response to Lois's pheromone-induced dance leads Lois to consider whether to discard the costume ... or save it for a later date?

The Darkest Hour (Before the Dawn)
In this thrilling and enthralling story, Lois and Clark discover that finding some quality time together isn't as easy as it might seem when old enemies resurface to turn their idyllic weekend away into the vacation from hell. Can Clark save Lois and himself from the hands of a madman?

Dear Santa, Love Jon
In this vignette, Lois and Clark's oldest son, Jon, writes a letter to Santa Claus. But why isn't his plea to Santa as heartfelt as usual?

Glimpses of Tomorrow
For the millionth time, Clark finds himself discouraged and wondering why he has to be so different. Will a glimpse of tomorrow give him the strength to go on?

HiM: The Video
Whatever happened to the video that the bellboy made of Clark carrying Lois over the threshold of the Lexor hotel when they posed as newlyweds in the episode "Honeymoon in Metropolis"? This story delves into Lois' thoughts about her stay with Clark in the honeymoon suite and explains what became of the video. A Charity Fanzine story.

Just a Heartbeat Away
Set during the episode "Whine, Whine, Whine," Lois knows she and Clark are at a crossroads in their relationship, and that she needs to make up her mind between him and Dan. But with Clark's behavior so distressing, the decision is a difficult one.

The Kiss Off
Lois needs a new car! And fast. How far will she go to get one? Would she even agree to enter a kissing contest with...Clark? A multiauthored story by CC Aiken and Erin Klingler.

The Long Road Home
In this Elseworlds story, two reporters on opposite coasts are seeking something to fill the void in their lives. Fate draws them together, but their happiness -- and their lives -- are soon threatened when a bicoastal investigation leads them to a formidable enemy. Will their tender new relationship be able to weather the storms ahead?

Longings of the Heart
When Lucy calls to say she's getting married, Lois is determined not to let her sister ruin her life chasing the impractical myth called love. But, sometimes, just when you think it's someone else's life you're fixing, your own life comes sharply into view and surprising revelations ensue.

The Marriage Pact
A little bit of insurance can be a good thing, but just how can a person tell if it's a good deal? In this story, Lois and Clark find out.

The Pet Bet
In this response to the "Guess the Writer" challenge, Lois attempts to prove she can become domestic by caring for an electronic pet.

The "Real" Honeymoon
The author's scenario for Lois and Clark's honeymoon. The lovestruck couple checks into a Hawaiian hotel.

Reserved for You
In this 30-minute challenge story that takes place at the end of the episode "The Eyes Have It," Clark proves to Lois that a kiss from Mayson doesn't mean what she thinks it does.

Turn your man into a superhero! Or your love life into a super mess....

Through the Years
Lois and Clark celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary surrounded by their loving -- and huge -- brood.

What It Means to Love You
Lois and Clark's relationship is progressing well, until three things happen: Clark proposes, Lois is injured, and she finds out a secret. They have to learn to understand each other and rebuild their relationship after these shattering events.

When You Needed Me Most
It's too late to get Lois to the hospital, so Clark has to deliver the baby himself. It's not going well, but even worse trials are yet to come.

Where, Oh Where, Do Supes' Clothes Go?
Lois finds a mystery in the bushes outside the Daily Planet building -- Clark Kent's clothes. Is her partner running naked through the streets of Metropolis? What's going on here? Lois speculates in this humorous alternate ending to the first-season episode "Fly Hard."

The Long Road
Lois's attempt to rebuild her life after Clark's prolonged absence on New Krypton is unexpectedly thwarted when an old wound is reopened.

The Love That Risks Nothing
Clark's departure for New Krypton is the beginning of a time of trial for both him and Lois. As they attempt to rebuild their lives, they are challenged by crises on both Earth and New Krypton.

Alisha Knight

  Voted Best New Author 2009

Twenty-nine marriage proposals? What is Superman to do?

An Award Winning Story
Lois accompanies Clark to the Kerth Awards.

The Box
It's the holiday season in Metropolis, and Clark's got an unmarked present on his desk. Just how crazy can a little red box make Lois?

From the Ruins
The job of an investigative reporter is to uncover and expose the truth. But revealing some truths can bring consequences.

The Game
In this diversion from the second-season episodes "A Bolt from the Blue," "Metallo" and "The Eyes Have It," Clark lets it slip to Lois that she knows his real identity -- and even works with her! So Lois challenges Superman that she'd be able to learn his true identity if he gave her a few little clues. How good at this game will she be?

No Cars Go
Clark takes Lois to a special place.

A misunderstanding at Martha's favorite sewing store inspires an unusual and hilarious idea.

Spandex II
While visiting Smallville with Clark, Lois makes an interesting discovery.

Spandex III
Clark gets a shock when he flies home to see his parents.

That Little Sister of Mine
In this twist on TOGOM (the episode "That Old Gang of Mine"), Lucy lends a hand to help Lois see what Clark really means to her.

Meredith Knight

  Nominated Best New Author 2002

All Sewn Up
This story picks up where the episode "All Shook Up" left off: Lois realises how Clark feels about her dismissive remarks, and decides to do something about it.

All Stirred Up
In this author's debut fic, after the Man of Steel goes missing on the Nightfall mission, Lois goes to investigate a shooting star, and finds... an amnesiac *Superman*?

Clark and the Beanstalk - a Lois & Clark fairy tale
Clark lives on the family farm with Martha, a crippled Jonathan and a mountain of debt. One day, in true fairy-tale tradition, a complete stranger offers him a gift: the plans for a magical device which will take Clark to another universe, where he will find his "heart's desire."

A Closet Encounter
What will happen when Lois and Clark find themselves stuck in a closet during their latest investigation?

Courage Under Fire
In this rewrite of the episode "That Old Gang of Mine," Clark changes his mind about running straight home to his parents. When he realizes how devastated Lois is, what will he decide to do?

Fact or Ficus?
Lois undertakes to water Clark's house plants while he's away... but what will she find in his apartment while she's there on her own?

Havoc in Metropolis
Lois's plans for investigating Congressman Harrington hit an unexpected snag.

Illusions of Candour
This story is the sequel to the author's challenge fic, "All Sewn Up." Lois knows Clark's secret, but their relationship is still rocky... until Superman is hypnotised by a magician.

Lois's thoughts as she gets her hair cut on the morning of her wedding. A Tank Haircut Challenge response.

A Lois and Clark Fairy Tale: Ebony Locks
Lois and Clark are lost in the woods, and find an empty cottage to shelter in. But where are the inhabitants -- and why is there no bathroom? This story was written for the L&C fairy tale challenge.

Night Errant
Exhausted after a prolonged spell of Superman duty, Clark makes the mistake of falling asleep in Lois's living room. Events spiral rapidly out of control, ably assisted by Lex Luthor and Lois's old rival, Linda King.

Rest and Reproduction
Lois asks Clark out for dinner at the Lexor Hotel, but turns out to have far more than dating on her mind.

That Honeymoon Feeling
After the pheromone episode, Lois's ego is a little fragile and she's not eager to spend time with Clark in the Honeymoon Suite. However, both the partners manage to surprise each other...

Jon B. Knutson

The Amazing Brainiac
Lois and Clark have a night on the town, taking in the stage act of the mentalist Milton Fine, also known as "The Amazing Brainiac." Interviewing him later, they learn Fine believes his mind is being taken over by a discorporeal alien named Vril Dox. Disgusted, Lois calls the interview to a halt, but they haven't seen the last of Fine -- or Vril Dox.

Curse of Om-Ha-Tep
Famous archaeologist Lewis Lang and his daughter, Lana, come to Metropolis with an Egyptian mummy and artifacts in tow -- perhaps even a curse. And one of the women in Clark's life confronts him with a secret.

A Dream Come True
Clark Kent wakes up one morning to find that he's married to Lois Lane ... but has no memory of it. In fact, he's missing three years of his life.

Perry assigns Lois, Jimmy and himself to cover a revolutionary new stress-reducing machine. They have wonderful dreams but also exhibit strange side effects.

Enter Terra-Man
Superman deals with an eco-terrorist. Based on Jerry Ordway's story in Superman #46 (second series).

Guardian of Metropolis
A crimefighter keeps a careful watch on Metropolis -- nope, it's not Superman.

In a League With Lois
Kent goes to the bowling lane, er, Kent goes bowling with Lois Lane. :-)

Jimmy Olsen Blues
Lois talks Clark into helping her set up Jimmy with another Planet employee.

Metropolis Mailbag
It's time for Superman to catch up on his mail.

The Return of Brainiac
Milton Fine, the possessed mentalist, returns, and uses his mind control powers to try to force Superman to kill his friends, Jimmy and Perry.

Strange Day
An imp from the fifth dimension bedevils Metropolis.

Turkey Day
The Kents come to Metropolis for Thanksgiving, and everybody -- including Lois -- gets snowed in at Clark's apartment during a freak snowstorm.

Two of a Kind
Central City converges on Metropolis -- at least, three of its more well-known citizens do: Barry Allen (aka the Flash); his scientist wife, Tina; and James Jesse, also known as the villainous Trickster. Double trouble ensues as the Trickster teams up with the Prankster, Superman learns he may not be the fastest man alive after all, and old friends Tina and Lois discover they have a lot in common.

Visiting Hours
Superman pays a visit to the Children's Ward of Metropolis General Hospital.

Lara-Elaine Koch

Forever and a Day
Clark had summoned the courage to tell Lois his big secret, but she did not take it at all well. In fact, she told him she never wanted to see him again. Now that Lois discovers Clark has packed up and left town, she is bitterly sorry.

Love Conquers All
An old flame of Lois', who was imprisoned as a result of one of her investigations, returns for revenge, and Lois turns to Clark for help.

Superman's Song
A Lois & Clark song sung to the tune of "American Pie."

Two Princes
The song "Two Princes," by the Spin Doctors, gets a Lois & Clark makeover.

Martina Koerber

Little Does My Lady Dream ...
It's three weeks until their wedding and Clark finds out that Lois has a secret of her own. A Charity Fanzine story.

Natascha Kortum

» Read the Writer's Showcase interview at Annesplace

Tender Conviction
Clark volunteers Lois as the keynote speaker for a large event. Will Lois believe enough in herself to face the challenge or will the jitters win out?

Julia Kraemer

And I'll Love You 'til the End
Clark returns from New Krypton and learns what it was like for Lois while he was away.

Sara Kraft

» Read the Writer's Showcase interview at Annesplace

110 Kisses: I Need You
2,595 words (14Kb)
When Clark tries to tell Lois goodbye -- for good -- because he believes he's responsible for the heat wave, will she manage to convince him to stay? Sort of an episode fix-it for the episode "Man of Steel Bars" and also a self-imposed challenge to write 110 ficlets with kisses based on a list of 110 prompts on tumblr.

110 Kisses: You're Family
2,535 words (14Kb)
When Lois has dinner with Clark and his family, she has a few realizations, and when Martha so casually calls her family, she's not sure what to think. A kind of tag for the episode "Chi of Steel" and a smidge of a fix-it (barely) and also a self-imposed challenge to write 110 ficlets with kisses based on a list of 110 prompts on tumblr.

Addicted, But Not Damaged
The continued adventures of a reality-challenged FoLC. Seventh in the author's series of "journal entries" begun with "Losing a Grip on Reality."

All Things Considered . . .
The continued adventures of a reality-challenged FoLC, who has just learned of the cancellation of her favorite TV show. Fourth in the author's series of "journal entries" begun with "Losing a Grip on Reality."

At the Beginning With You
6,017 words (30Kb)
Lois and Clark have some pretty painful conversations during the first-season episode "Barbarians at the Planet." It seems like all they can do is hurt each other, and you can only wonder what's going on in their heads as they're taking turns breaking each others' hearts. And what are they planning to do with all these feelings and all this hurt? A multiauthored story by Sara Kraft and lovetvfan.

Away From the Sun
In this sequel to the author's "Wherever You Will Go," alt Clark returns home to find that his taste of what could have been has only made things worse. Not even love is enough to pull him from darkness and despair. How can he be a hero when he can't even save himself? Falling in love is only half the journey, and it's not as easy as it seems.

Because I Secretly Looked for Your Order
4,036 words (21Kb)
Lois holds grudges and Clark makes excuses, two indisputable facts. But when the two collide, will they find their way through to the other side? A story spawned from QueenoftheCapes' title generator.

Better With Clark
1,606 words (9Kb)
News is slow, and Clark is off visiting his parents in Smallville. With too much downtime, Lois starts to realize some truths about her life -- things are definitely better with Clark.

Bowled Over
1,233 words (7Kb)
Lois always claims that bowling isn't her game, but somehow, she always manages to win when Clark is around. Of course, Clark would probably say the same about himself. Story 2 in the author's When He Cheats... At Bowling series.

Chances Are
Clark has gone to fight the good fight on New Krypton, but he left Lois with a little something to remember him by ... and a lot to think about. A continuation of the episode "Big Girls Don't Fly."

Coffee With Clark
2,714 words (15Kb
What if Lois had second thoughts about slamming the door in Clark's face... right after she'd done it instead of the following night? Is there any way to un-slam a door? A "Lucky Leon" episode fix-it scene!

Don't Let Go
12,131 words (66Kb)
After a full summer of rebuilding their friendship while Franklin Stern is rebuilding the Daily Planet, Lois and Clark make a plan to attend the re-opening carnival together. Lois is struggling with her feelings for two men, both of whom have said quite plainly that they don't want a relationship with her. What is she supposed to do when her heart just won't let go?

Drinks After Work
2,563 words (14Kb)
From the creator of "Wherever You Will Go" ... In a world where Clark has stood her up for the last time... A mysterious phone call. An earth-shaking revelation. Beverages.

Fade to Black: Individual Priorities
8,977 words (49Kb)
After the events with red kryptonite in the episode "Individual Responsibility," Clark gets Lois to agree to another chance -- to take her out as long as he promises not to disappear on her, to be there at seven, and seven oh one, and seven oh two, and seven oh three... A look at how that fan-favorite moment might have ended ... and how the date (that we never got to see) might have gone.

Family Road Trip
805 words (5Kb)
Lois and Clark are on a family road trip with their 7-year-old daughter, Hannah, and they are positively baffled how she's been awake so long. Another in the series of Sweet Kid Stories (including "Playing Pretend" and "Teacher's Pet").

Fortunately, There Are No Doors Here Tonight
9,184 words (51Kb)
What if Lois and Clark actually got more of their first actual kiss? What if Clark had made it to save Mayson on time? Things change in the most surprising yet logical way in this "Lucky Leon" episode fix-it.

Alt-Lois starts her flight home from the Congo with anxiety and a wistful yearning to know what it might be like to fly on her own.

The FoLCs Must Be Crazy
The eighth in the series of Crazy FoLC Journal Entries that begins with "Loising a Grip on Reality." Karaoke and Dean? Not a productive combination.

Frankly, My Dear, I Don't Like Pearl Jam
22,283 words (121Kb)
When Clark asks Lois on a date, he wasn't expecting her to say yes quite so readily. So much so that he didn't actually have a plan. When he panic-buys two tickets to a Pearl Jam concert, he finds himself feeling very much like a fish out of water. Still, anything is worth it if it means a date with Lois. After all, they appear to be her favourite band... A multiauthored story by Sara Kraft and lovetvfan.

I'm Like a Bird in a Gilded Cave
Third in the author's series of "journal entries" detailing the hold "Lois & Clark" has over its fans ... um, at least one fan. :-) The series begins with "Losing a Grip on Reality."

I'm Really Sane ... I Swear!
A further chapter in the life of an obsessed, reality-challenged FoLC, whose self-control is tested by classmates she considers unworthy to wear the S shield. An account that picks up from "Losing a Grip on Reality: The Effects of LCWS on the Mind of a FoLC." :-)

Investigate: Alternate Possibilities
11,028 words (62Kb)
"[It's] strange, you know, missing someone you’ve never even met. I tried to find her, but... it's impossible." Help from an unexpected source suddenly makes the impossible... very possible. A special vignette in the "Investigate" universe of Blueowl, intended to be read after "Investigate: Horizon (Act V)."

Keeping You in Contact
A rewrite of the last five minutes of the episode "Contact." Will Lois be able to talk some sense into Clark when he tries to break up with her for her own good?

Kirshner's Ghost
What might have happened if Perry had found the letter from Alice in time in "Ultra Woman"? A third in a trilogy started by Shawn V. with "Ghost Arrival" and "The Ghost and Kirshner." A multiauthored story by Sara Kraft and Shawn V.

Laundry Day
Clark has trouble dealing with the guilt in the aftermath of a family tragedy.

LCWS: A Relapse
A short tale about a FOLC's battle with LCWS and how life is making her slip through a man named Dean.

Like a Red Rock to a Superman
A very new Superhero finds a piece of pretty red rock and decides to keep it. Then he shows it to Lois and becomes just a little indiscreet... A multiauthored story by Sara Kraft, Pam Jernigan and Wendy Richards.

Loising a Grip on Reality: The Effects of ...
A humorous "personal account" of a FoLC for whom the world of Lois & Clark is a little too real. The full title is "Losing a Grip on Reality: The Effects of LCWS on the Mind of a FoLC."

Love Me Back to Life
51,643 words (280Kb)
Set right after the episode "Lucky Leon," Clark is left reeling over the fact that his kiss with Lois resulted in his failure to save Mayson Drake's life. Fearing he may never be able to reconcile the two halves of himself, he begins to spiral. As Lois watches her partner come apart, she makes a last-ditch effort to save him by taking him on a road trip for a story investigation that doesn't exist. A multi-authored story by Sara Kraft and lovetvfan.

A Lucky Strike
1,170 words (7Kb)
As the events in the author's "Bowled Over" continue, Lois' luck just keeps improving... enough that even she starts to wonder how she's playing so well. Story 3 in the author's When He Cheats... At Bowling series.

Martha... A Gift From the Stars
874 words (5Kb)
He'd only ever be her baby -- her son -- she knew. But that doesn't mean Martha doesn't have more than a few feelings about Clark's biological parents, especially when she learns who they are after all this time. A ficlet in the "Martha..." series that explores Martha's feelings after the episode "The Foundling."

Martha... A Heart So Big
2,044 words (11Kb)
They'd known he was different, their boy, but nothing could have prepared Martha and Jonathan for the moment they found 11-year-old Clark, inconsolable, in the barn. This is the second story in the "Martha..." series of vignettes.

Martha... She Just Knew
1,894 words (10Kb)
From the moment she held him in her arms, her heart knew that he was hers. But given the bizarre day they had, her mind took a little longer to catch up. This is the first story in the "Martha..." series of vignettes.

Pheromone, My Love
6,937 words (39Kb)
Clark may not have been affected by Miranda's spray, but that doesn't stop him from letting his emotions get the best of him.

Playing Pretend
997 words (6Kb)
Clark witnesses a sweet moment between Lois and their daughter.

Pushing Buttons
Lois and Clark, trapped in an elevator late at night... Lois is angry... What else could possibly go wrong? Or, perhaps, right?

So Far Away
82,525 words (458Kb)
Clark finally made it back from New Krypton, but how can he ever hope to adjust to life back on Earth after everything that happened up there? Can he be the same man Lois fell in love with, be a father to Kallie... be Superman? Or will his own demons defeat him when everything he used to know seems so far away?

After rejecting Clark's proposal of marriage, Lois finds a way to let him know that things are going to work out in the end.

Spare a Smile for Me
1,240 words (7Kb)
Lois thinks this staff trip to the bowling alley is a waste of time, on top of already being in a bad mood. But when Clark delivers a little magic, it might just be enough to cheer her up. Story 1 in the author's When He Cheats... At Bowling series.

A Striking Revelation
990 words (5Kb)
It's been a week since the Daily Planet party at the bowling alley. A private bowling lesson for Lois might just help uncover someone's secret... Story 4 in the author's When He Cheats... At Bowling series.

Super Shook Up
14,815 words (80Kb)
Well... this story has a sordid posting past. I started back in 2007. It languished, unfinished on the for years until I finished and posted the rest in 2014. And then I forgot to submit it to the archive. So... here we are, 14 years later. Somehow. <g>

Super Tired
1,762 words (10Kb)
Being a new parent is exhausting -- rewarding but exhausting -- even when you have superpowers.

Teacher's Pet
555 words (3Kb)
Lois seems to be failing class. Clark is the teacher's pet. But don't worry, it's all worth it in the end. Another in the series of Sweet Kid Stories (including the author's "Playing Pretend" and "Family Road Trip").

Terces Is Secret Spelled Backwards
1,583 words (9Kb)
She didn't really need the excuse that this research was "for a story" to justify the fact that she was going through his computer files. It was for a story. It was. Or had been. Or could be. A Kerth Prompt Challenge Story.

[title pending]
782 words (5Kb)
[insert words here about Bek, blah blah, laughing too hard, blah blah, definitely not working on ficathon as supposed to, etc. Thanks to SuperBek for the encouragement (read: being a terrible influence and great friend)!] and for a quick and thorough GE job!

The Truth Revealed
The morning after Lois and Clark have finally confessed their love to one another, they get stuck in a Daily Planet elevator. Clark decides the situation makes a great opportunity to confess something else.

Teh Wedding Day
Lois prepares for her wedding, with Martha and Ellen to help. And over in Clark's apartment, Jonathan tries to ease his son's fears about the upcoming wedding night. (The misspelling, "Teh," in the title is deliberate -- a tribute to all of the author's IRC friends. :-)

This Is Not a Date
10,552 words (58Kb)
Celebrating her latest story success, Lois meets a handsome stranger in a bar, a stranger who has come to Metropolis to interview for his dream job. It's not a date... but could it be fate?

Virtually Destroyed
The reality-challenged FoLC returns. Where has she been for two years? Fifth in the author's series of "journal entries" begun with "Loising a Grip on Reality."

Wherever You Will Go
When Clark leaves for New Krypton, he leaves Lois with a little something to remember him by. But when H.G. Wells interferes, things may become too difficult to handle, especially when it looks like Clark may not make it home.

Yours to Discover
29,386 words (162Kb)
Clark drags a reluctant Lois along to Canada for a journalism conference. Before they go, Clark works up the courage to ask Lois out on a first date while in Canada and she says yes! When Lois has a sudden change of heart about attending the conference, Clark assumes it's because of their date. But what if Lois has a secret of her own?


A Brand New Start Part One: Shattered Dreams
An alternate beginnings story. With tragedy in his past, Clark contemplates leaving Smallville to make a new start in Metropolis.


A Super Christmas
Lois and Clark can't wait to unwrap each other's presents.

Becky Kuesters

Always Hang Up Your Clothes
Lois gets more than she bargained for when she tidies up Clark's messy apartment in this cute revelation story.

Arpit Kumar

Do You Love Me?
An alternative ending to the scene in the first-season episode "Barbarians at the Planet" when Lois tells Superman that she would love him even if he had no powers.