Fanfic Database
Download the database spreadsheet as:
OpenOffice Calc version
Excel version
Text-delimited versions
What's new with the December 31, 2020 version? It's current to the June 2020 update, indexing 4,060 stories. There's a sortable upload date field (Column L), which uses the format yyyymm. If you're searching and filtering on themes, please use the combined themes field (now Column T).
We're working on a fanfic database that will perform two main functions: help you to pinpoint just the stories you're looking for, by searching on a variety of criteria; and also to drive the fanfic archive, to make updating the site a more streamlined, automated process. But it's taking longer than we had planned.
We're sitting on a pile of data, though. Editor-in-Chief LabRat has been entering story records into an Excel spreadsheet, and we'd like to make a recent version of the sheet available to you to download.
You could load the data into your own software for some offline searching. What kind of software? A spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc or LibreOffice Calc would work. Basically anything that will accept a delimited text file.
If you're not interested in loading the data offline, we've put a version of the sheet online in a Google Docs spreadsheet.
Offline searching
Don't have a spreadsheet or database program already? Consider giving OpenOffice Calc a try. It's part of an open-source, completely free office suite called OpenOffice, which is available for download at OpenOffice is compatible with Microsoft Office and offers a counterpart for all the major components in the Microsoft Office suite of programs. You can read and write Microsoft Word files in OpenOffice Writer and read/write Excel files in OOo's Calc.
OpenOffice is cross-platform, offering versions for Windows, Macintosh and Linux.
If you have an older G3, G4 or G5 Macintosh computer, you won't be able to run OpenOffice on your Mac, author Marcus Rowland tells us. He advises you use a copy of LibreOffice, a fork of OpenOffice which is file-compatible and supports older Macs.
Need help on searching, sorting and filtering all that data? We've typed up some tips and solicited more over on the Lois & Clark Fanfic message boards in this thread.
Story count discrepancy
Wondering why the story count on the data sheet doesn't match the count on the home page? One reason is that this version of the sheet is a bit behind the weekly updates. Another is that over the years some authors have withdrawn stories for various reasons, and we haven't changed the count to match. That'll happen when the archive is finally database-driven and the story count is calculated by the database.