I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
By Jennifer Baker
Summary: Clark gives Lois a very special Christmas in Smallville.
"Lois, maybe you shouldn't go out right now. The weather man said its supposed to snow and…"
"Clark, I've never let the weather tell me what to do! And besides, you know those guys are always wrong. It doesn't look a thing like snow." Lois peered out the kitchen window of the Kent's farmhouse, up at the clear gray sky.
"I'd still rather you didn't go, Lois. You don't know how harsh these snowstorms get in Kansas."
"Oh, really. We do get snow in Metropolis, farmboy. I'll be fine." She smiled up at him, patting his cheek. And with that, she breezed out the side door and was gone.
Martha Kent walked into the kitchen just as the door closed, a basket of apples in her arms. She found her son standing there staring at the door and shaking his head.
"Where's Lois, Son?"
Clark turned to face his mother. "She's driving into town to do some last minute shopping. I told here there was a storm coming, but, you know Lois."
Martha chuckled softly. "Well, its only a twenty minute drive. I'm sure she'll be fine. You can't protect her all the time."
"Yeah, I guess." Clark shrugged, obviously not convinced.
Martha smiled at her son and handed him the apples. "Here, Clark, help me peel. Apple pie for Christmas Eve, your father's favorite."
Clark sat down at the table with the apples. His mother sat down across from him and handed him one of the two knives she'd picked up from the counter. They peeled in silence for a few minutes, with Martha periodically looking up at her son. Eventually, he put the knife down and looked up at her.
"I just hate it when she does that, Mom."
Martha also put down her knife. "Does what?"
"Doesn't listen to a word I say. At least here, you'd think she'd listen. I mean, I grew up here. I should know what the weather is like, right?" Clark paused for a minute, bracing himself. "And do you know what really burns?"
His mother just looked at him.
"If it had been Superman talking to her, and not me…"
At this comment, his mother laughed gently.
Clark looked up at her with a soft smile. "You know what I mean. Superman could have told her the sky was falling, and she would have believed."
"So are you saying she always listens to Superman?"
"Yes…I mean, no, not really," Clark quickly amended, thinking of several instances when Lois had, in fact, ignored Superman's advice.
"Then what's the problem, Dear?"
"I don't know, mom. I just get so confused!" And with that, Clark picked up his knife and went back to peeling.
Martha just looked across the table at her son. She shook her head sadly, knowing that she was unable to solve this problem as easily as she had solved the problems of his childhood, with a kiss and a hug. Still, by letting him talk it out with her, she hoped that, maybe, he might come closer to solving his own problems.
Martha's thoughts were interrupted by the entrance of her husband. "Starting to snow out there," he commented unnecessarily, brushing the snow off his coat. He noticed that Lois was missing. "Where's our guest?"
"She drove onto town, Dad," Clark answered. "I guess she saw something down there the other day she just had to get for tomorrow. I tried to warn her about the snow…"
"I understand Son," Jonathan cut him off, having received a warning look from his wife, "but I was hoping she'd be here when we went to get the Christmas tree. Being from the big city, she's probably never actually chopped down the tree on Christmas Eve. I thought she might enjoy going with us."
"She should be back in time, Jonathan. We can all go then."
"If the snow isn't too bad," Clark added, staring out the window, where the snowflakes were beginning to block the view of the gray winter sky.
On her way into town, Lois had also noticed the snow. But, since it was only a light snow, she wasn't too worried. After all, the sky had been clear all week. And besides, she had to get that book Mrs. Kent - no, Martha - wanted. She had seen it while shopping with Clark yesterday, but hadn't known Martha wanted it until Martha had mentioned the book last night. Lois had gotten Martha a little something back in Metropolis when she had first been invited to spend Christmas with the Kent's, but it wasn't really personal. And after the way the Kent's had treated her, like part of the family, she had to get something really special.
Besides, if Clark wanted to go all overprotective, telling her not to go because of the snow, well, she would show him. She could take care of herself. Although, now looking up at the sky, the snow did seem to be picking up. But she was almost to town, and the snow would probably be lightening up by the time she was done at the book store.
Lois finally made it to town. She couldn't imagine living twenty minutes away from the nearest book store. But, she had to admit, at least there was a book store in this town. It could have been worse.
Inside the store, she quickly found the book Martha wanted. She never would have though Martha Kent the type to be interested in this sort of thing, but if there was one thing she'd learned, it was that Clark's family could always surprise her. As she was paying, the cashier noticed the title of the book. "The X-Files," he commented as he handed her the change, "Isn't this based on that TV show? I heard its supposed to be pretty popular. Don't get it myself. But to each his own."
Lois just smiled at him, since he was obviously too stupid to understand any explanation she could give. With the book under her arm, she left the store.
Outside, the snow was definitely getting worse. Lois quickly started the car, hoping to make it back to the farm before the roads got to bad. She glanced at the car clock. She'd only been gone thirty minutes. She could still make it back to the farmhouse before the snow got too bad and it got dark. After all, how bad could the weather get in twenty minutes?
Clark looked up at the clock in the living room. "Lois has been gone for over an hour. I'm really getting worried about her."
"Well, maybe she had trouble finding what she wanted, Clark," his father suggested.
"Yeah, but… I just don't know. Lois isn't the kind of person who usually has trouble finding what she wants. Maybe I should go looking for her." He started up from the couch where he and his parents had been reading Christmas stories and sipping cider.
"Clark," his mother said, laughing, "she's hasn't been gone THAT long. I wouldn't send out the dogs yet."
"I guess not," he sat back down. "I just keep feeling like something's happened to her."
"Clark, I'm sure she'll be fine. However, we really can't wait any longer on that tree. It's going to start getting dark soon. Why don't you come out and help me find one. It'll make the time go faster. Your mother can wait here for Lois. By the time we get back, I'm sure she'll be here."
"Okay, Dad, let's go."
Jonathan and Clark pulled on their jackets and went outside. Like they had every winter for as long as Clark could remember, his father let him pick out the tree, but Jonathan reserved the actual chopping for himself. Clark could have done it himself in half the time, but as Jonathan had told him the one time he had volunteered, it wasn't having the tree, but the getting of it which counted. So they performed the ritual as always.
This year, however, Jonathan noticed that Clark seemed a little preoccupied. He kept looking over his shoulder, back toward the house. Jonathan said nothing, though. He knew how much Clark had wanted to share this Christmas tradition with Lois, and knew his son was hoping she would make it back and come outside to join them.
Jonathan, for his part, had wanted Lois to help with the tree. Unlike some parents, he wasn't jealous of his son's affections. If Lois was important to Clark, then she was important to him. Furthermore, he hoped, by inviting her to spend Christmas with them, that she might begin to understand Clark a little better. Then, maybe she might even come to see him as something more than a friend. Wishful thinking? Maybe, but then, Clark was his only child, wasn't he?
As Jonathan was finishing chopping down the tree, Clark glanced at his watch. "Dad, it's been over an hour and a half now since Lois left. I think I'm going to go see if she's back. Wait right here." With a whoosh, Clark was gone.
Inside the kitchen, Martha was busy preparing dinner when Clark banged through the door. "Mom, is Lois back?"
"No, she's not son."
"Look, mom, I'm really getting worried. Lois should have been back long ago. I can't wait any longer. When Lois left, she was only wearing a light coat, good for Metropolis winters, but not much else. She could be lying in a ditch somewhere, freezing, while I'm out there helping to cut down a blasted Christmas tree. I'm going to go see if I can find her."
By the time Martha turned around to answer, her son was gone in a blur of red and blue.
Flying high over the fields, Superman sped towards Smallville at top speed. He wanted to ensure that Lois was not still in one of the shops. He could have done this by calling from home, but since he didn't know which store she had visited, this would be faster. Besides, somewhere deep within, he had a feeling that Lois was in danger.
He'd had this feeling before. Quite a lot, actually. He had once described it as sort of an extra sense, this ability to know when someone he loved was in danger. It started with a certain uneasiness he couldn't shake off, and generally evolved into full panic. Like the time Lois was thrown into the lake in a barrel. He'd known she was in trouble long before he could hear her screams.
Arriving in Smallville seconds after leaving the farm, he quickly looked in the buildings with his x-ray vision. She wasn't in any of them, and her car wasn't outside, either. Something must have happened between town and the farm. Turning around, Superman sped back towards the farm.
This time, however, he flew a little slower. The snow was so deep by now that the entire car could have been buried in the drifts, so he was forced to use his x-ray vision to scan every inch of the road back.
About half way to the farm, Superman found the car. It looked as if Lois had run off the road and crashed into a tree. The car had then been buried in the snow. Quickly burrowing through the snow, Superman got to the inside of the car — but no Lois.
Thinking rapidly, he realized that she must have planned on walking from the car to the farm. Not being raised in the country, she didn't know that the safest place to stay was with the vehicle. Moreover, because she was not wearing proper cold weather clothes, she was in real danger of freezing to death. Superman shot back into the air, this time searching for a lone figure in the snow.
He found her about a mile down the road. She was huddled against the base of a tree, barely conscious.
"Lois?" he asked gently, shaking her slightly. She looked up at him through half open eyes.
"Uh… wh..who are you?" she mumbled, obviously not recognizing him.
"Come on, let's get you warm." Tearing off his cape, he wrapped it around her shivering form. She was even cold to the touch. Scooping her up in his arms, he headed home.
Martha and Jonathan were in the living room, setting up the Christmas tree, when Superman came in carrying a freezing Lois in his arms. He set her down in front of the fire and, in a flash, returned carrying his huge down comforter.
"Here, let me take that," his mother said, grabbing the comforter. "Go get her some dry clothes, Jonathan. And you, Clark…Change out of that wet costume."
"Mom, I'm not going to catch cold," Clark complained, wanting to stay near Lois.
"I know, dear, but I don't want you to get her wet again after we dry her off. And when your done changing, make some tea, the poor things going to need some to warm her up. Now get." With that, the Man of Steel went to do as his mother told him to do.
By the time Clark returned with the tea a few minutes later, Martha had changed Lois' clothes, wrapped her in the comforter, and settled her down on the sofa near the fire. From outside came the sound of wood being chopped, as Martha had sent Jonathan out to get more firewood.
"Thank you, Clark," she said, taking the tea from him. "Now, help me prop her up."
Clark slid onto the end of the sofa, and pulled Lois against him, into a half sitting position. Martha sat on the edge of the sofa and placed the tea to Lois' lips. "Now, drink this dear."
Still barely conscious, Lois responded to Martha's gentle tone, and slowly sipped at the tea. After a few minutes she grew tired, and her head nodded against Clark's chest.
"Now, let her sleep son. And I'll call Dr. Wilcox to see if there's anything more we should do."
As Martha left the room, she looked back to see Clark sitting there in the firelight, gently brushing Lois' hair back from her forehead. Smiling slightly, she went to make her call.
When Lois woke up, she couldn't remember where she was. Her last memory was of trudging through huge snow drifts, desperately trying to get back to the Kent's farmhouse before freezing to death. She had crashed the car into a tree, not even having realized she was no longer on the road. The blinding snow had made telling the road from the fields nearly impossible, and it was just luck that she had gotten as far as she had. Then, sitting in the dead car, she had thought the Kent's farmhouse was a lot nearer than it was, so she had foolishly gotten out and started for the farm. When she could go no further, she had fallen down besides a tree, knowing that she would probably be dead before anyone could find her in the snow.
So, where was she now? Looking around, she slowly realized that she was in Clark's room at the farmhouse. Clark himself was in a chair next to the bed, softly reading "A Christmas Carol" out loud. He held one of her hands in his own. Looking at her tiny hand resting in his, she realized for the first time just how strong and gentle Clark was, and, unconsciously, she squeezed his hand.
Clark looked up, straight into her eyes, and the caring she saw there stirred her more than she could ever admit. "Lois. You're awake. How are you feeling? Are you okay? Are you warm enough? Are you hungry? My mom made some soup…?"
He was so kind, and after all the worrying she had put him through! It wasn't fair. "No, I'm okay. A little cold, maybe. But that's all. Well, actually, maybe not. Actually, maybe I'm a little… well… I'm a little embarrassed. I mean, stupid Lois, rushing off into danger yet again. Not taking anyone's advice, or thinking of anyone else, huh?" As she spoke, she slowly began to cry, until at the end there were tears running down her cheeks.
"Shhh, Lois, its okay," Clark murmured, softly wiping her cheeks with his finger. "We all make mistakes." Part of him hated seeing her like this, so vulnerable, while the other part cherished these glimpses of her soul.
"But I seem to make them on a regular basis. Why do you put up with me, Clark?"
He smiled gently. "You're not always thinking about yourself, though, are you Lois?"
"What do you mean?"
He held up the book that had been found in Lois' jacket pocket - the one Martha had mentioned wanting just the other night. "The book my mom wanted? Lois, you didn't have to rush right out and buy it, you know?" he admonished with a smile.
She smiled back, weakly. "I know, but your parents had been so nice to me… I wanted to do something nice in return. And now look, I've completely ruined their Christmas…" As she talked, she began to cry again, even harder.
Moving to the edge of the bed, Clark pulled her against his shoulder. "Their Christmas isn't ruined, Lois. It's only 8 o'clock on Christmas Eve. There's plenty of Christmas left."
"And we'd be more than happy if you'd share it with us," Martha broke in, from where she was standing in the door. "Sorry, kids, but I heard voices in here and I thought I'd just peak in to check on the patient. Lois, you weren't out there long enough to be in serious danger, so Dr. Wilcox says you can get out of bed as soon as you feel up to it. Just don't do anything really physical for a day or so."
With that, Martha went back out the door. Clark turned to Lois. "See, its okay. No one's mad. We're just all glad your okay. Now, do you feel up to joining us, or do you want to get some more sleep?"
"I'd like to join you, if you'll just give me a minute to change?"
"Sure, see you in the living room in a few minutes."
That evening, the Kents had their traditional Christmas Eve dinner of fresh turkey, yams, and apple pie. Lois joined them as well, a little tired and not very hungry, but the obvious love around the table did a lot to revive her spirits.
Later, Lois sat on the sofa while the Kents trimmed their Christmas tree. Then, the four of them sat by the tree singing carols and roasting chestnuts. It was the best Christmas Eve of Lois' life. In her family, her mother had always put the tree up during the day when Lois and Lucy were at school and her father was at work. Furthermore, they had never had a real tree, and the smell of pine mixed with the smell and feel of the roaring fire conjured up every Christmas story she had ever heard. By the end of the evening, the genuine Christmas spirit in that tiny little farmhouse had brought about a nearly complete recovery.
For Clark Kent, it was also the best Christmas Eve of his life. Lois was okay, and she was there, spending Christmas with his family. As importantly, she was having a good time. The three people Clark loved most in the world were all in that one room sharing Christmas Eve, putting an extra festive edge on everything he did that evening.
Late that night, after Martha and Jonathan had gone to bed, Clark and Lois sat together on the sofa. They were both too excited to sleep. Clark was just finishing reading "A Christmas Carol". As he closed the book, he looked up to see Lois still sitting there thoughtfully.
"Clark, I've just been thinking about what happened while I was out there in the snow."
"Yes…" Clark began, afraid that he knew what was coming- that his blue and red alter ego was about to come between them once again.
"I'm starting to remember what happened. I was lying out there in the snow, freezing when suddenly…"
"Yes." Clark said sadly, his worst fears confirmed.
"You were there."
"What…?" Clark began, then quickly regained his composure. "I mean, how can you remember?"
"I remember. You were standing there, in the freezing cold. You risked your life to come find me. You saved my life tonight, Clark."
"I…" She was looking at him with that look, the one usually reserved for Superman, and his heart melted.
"And then, later, when I woke up. You've always been there for me, Clark. You are the kindest, strongest, best man I've ever known. Whatever I've done, no matter how, well, you know, reckless its been, you were always there, supporting me. And you've never been afraid to tell me when I've gone to far, either. You've been the best friend I've ever had. The best friend anybody's ever had. But I just don't want to go on this way. I wanted to tell you last spring, right after Lex died. But I couldn't. I was too afraid then. Too afraid of losing your friendship."
"Lois, I…" She put a finger over his lips.
"No, before you say something to change my mind," She took a deep breath. "I love you, Clark Kent. I think I have for a very long time."
Clark smiled. Really smiled, for maybe the first time in his life. "And I love you too, Lois. I didn't tell you before because I was afraid…" She smiled encouragingly. "Afraid that my love would ruin our friendship, or that you wouldn't understand why…" He took a deep breath and looked into her eyes. "But I do love you Lois, and I have from the very first moment I saw you."
Maybe he would tell her tomorrow, maybe not. But for now, Clark Kent was going to enjoy the long-deserved and hard-won spoils of victory. And so, cupping her head in his palm, he pulled her towards him under the flickering lights of the Christmas tree.
Lois Lane woke with a start. "Superman." For the first time ever, she said that name with a note of disgust. She had been having the most wonderful dream. She and Clark had been kissing again, only this time, instead of Clark holding her when she opened her eyes, it was Superman. Which made no sense. They didn't kiss anything alike. For one thing, Clark wore those glasses. She smiled to herself, remembering. That had required some maneuvering last night.
Lois shook her head. It was no good avoiding the real issue. She was going to have to do something about her relationship with Superman. Unfortunately, despite her feelings for Clark, she still cared very deeply for Superman. Hurting him was the last thing she wanted to do. But at the same time, she could no longer ignore her feelings for Clark. With a sigh, Lois rolled back over. She was going to have to figure it out eventually, but for now, she just hoped she could back to dreaming as quickly as possible.
For his part, Clark Kent didn't even try to sleep. Long after Lois had gone into his bedroom, he lay on the sofa, staring into the fire. She had kissed him, Clark Kent, knowing full well who she was kissing. He smiled to himself. Sure, they'd kissed before, quite often actually, but never like that. Never without some life-and-death situation threatening. And he knew she wanted more. The way her body had responded last night was enough to tell him that. But he wouldn't have her like that, without her knowing his secret. Without her knowing that he was Superman. He wanted her more than he had ever wanted anything else in his life, but he wanted her for a lifetime. He was already going to have enough trouble when (and it was definitely a when, now) he finally drummed up enough courage to tell her.
Imagine that, he thought ruefully. The great "Man of Steel" scared of a woman. He knew Lois enough, though, to know that his fear was entirely justified. She wasn't going to react well to his "lying" to her for over a year. And if they slept together…he might lose her twice, as Superman and as Clark. He also knew that, the longer he put off what was now inevitable, the harder the final disclosure would be.
So, lying there on the sofa, he desperately tried to figure out how to tell her without losing her forever. Around 2 am, he rose silently and, moving to the door, stepped out into the snow.
As she was every day, Martha Kent was the first person awake Christmas morning. She quietly slipped into the kitchen, where she began to prepare breakfast. So it was that the rest of the household woke to the smell of coffee and sticky buns baking in the oven.
Lois entered the living room just as Clark and his mother brought a platter piled high with buns and the coffee service into the living room.
"It's a tradition," Clark explained, answering Lois' questioning look. "Every Christmas, my mom makes sticky buns and we eat them while unwrapping presents."
"How…nice." Lois replied, absently, smiling at Clark. She felt as if she was looking at him for the first time. How could she had never before noticed that gleam in his eyes, or the curve of his chin, or the way he returned her smile with a cockeyed one of his own?
Martha watched this interchange without saying a word. It was obvious to anyone that something had happened last night, but she knew better than to ask. When Clark wanted to tell her, he would.
While Lois helped Clark and Martha arrange breakfast on the coffee table, Jonathan Kent entered the house from outside. He carried a pile of firewood in his arms. "When I woke up this morning, I noticed we needed more wood. We seem to have gone through a lot last night."
"Oh, Jonathan," Martha scolded. "We had to keep Lois warm.."
"I'm sorry for any inconvenience, Mr. Kent… I mean, Jonathan."
"That's all right, dear," Martha responded, shooting a look at her husband. "Jonathan was only teasing."
They all sat down in front of the fire, and Clark began passing out the gifts. The Kents traditionally took turns opening, with Clark going first. This Christmas, they had decided to let Lois go first as their guest. Clark handed her his present, with a shy smile. "I hope you like it."
Lois took the gift. It was wrapped in traditional, red, and green paper. Traditional, that is, if you ignored the dinosaurs prancing across the paper. Lois looked up at Clark, "Dinosaurs? I should have figured."
He shrugged, "Well…"
She went back to work on the present. She started to unwrap very meticulously, but, when the tape proved to stubborn to undo, she quickly ripped the paper off to uncover a small, rectangular box. Opening the box, she found a beautiful, solid gold necklace. "Oh, Clark…its beautiful." Lois held it up, and the light glinted from it in a thousand directions.
"Well, I, uh, figured it would go well with your brown suit," he replied, obviously thrilled that she liked the necklace.
Handing the necklace to Clark, Lois turned her back to him. "Put it on…" she demanded, and then, realizing her manners, she added with a smile, "please?"
Clark obliged, stumbling a little with the clasp. When he had finished, Lois turned around and gave him a huge hug. "Thank you, Clark."
"You're welcome."
When neither one of them seemed willing to end the embrace, Martha cleared her throat discreetly. "Uhum, Clark? I believe its your turn next?"
Clark and Lois broke their embrace, obviously embarrassed. "Sure, Mom."
Lois went to the tree and got her present for Clark. "I hope you like it…"
As Clark unwrapped the gift, she added, "Maybe now you won't always have to run off in the middle of something because you've forgotten an appointment."
As Clark finished unwrapping, he began to laugh. "It's perfect, Lois, thanks." He held it up so his parents could see it. Lois had given him an electronic organizer.
"Well, I figured it was about time you entered the 1990s." This time, Lois and Clark only hugged briefly before Clark went to get the next gift.
Eventually, all the gifts had been unwrapped, except for one. Clark brought it out from under the tree.
"Whose is that, Son?" his mother asked, "I don't recognize it?"
"Well," Clark replied, reading the attached envelope, "I guess its for Lois…from Superman."
"It wasn't there last night, was it?" Lois sounded a bit apprehensive. She'd been trying to put the whole Superman thing out of her head, at least for the moment.
"Um…" Clark desperately searched for an excuse, since he had placed the gift there himself, late last night, "I, ur, mentioned to Superman that you'd be spending Christmas here. He must have dropped it off last night while we were asleep."
She took the gift, and opened the card. "It says I'm supposed to open it alone," she said, looking up at Clark, hoping he wasn't going to be hurt by the suggestion.
"Sure, go ahead, open it in my room." Clark tried his best to add just the right amount of resentment into his remark.
Taking the box, Lois went into Clark's room and sat down on the bed. She tore off the paper, and found another note inside, attached to the box itself. "Lois," it read, "I've wanted you to see this for a long time, but I've never had the courage to give it to you before. Merry Christmas. Superman."
Trembling, Lois opened the box. Superman's globe was nestled in the tissue paper inside. Lois reached in to take it out. As she touched it, it started to glow, and she began to see images from Superman's past. Because it had already shown these images, the globe told the story all at once, instead of in sections as it had before.
As Lois watched, she saw Krypton, his home planet. She saw his parents searching for a home to send their son, Kal El, to when their planet exploded. She saw them discover Earth, and she heard Jor El declare that they were sending Kal El there, to Kansas.
As Lois continued to watch, she saw the new parts of the story, the parts Lex Luthor hadn't seen. For the globe's story did not end with Kal El's departure from Krypton, but, with the knowledge gained through its link to him, continued to show the rest of his life. So Lois saw how Martha and Jonathan found the infant in their field and raised him as their son. She saw him grow, and travel the world as a journalist, until finally settling in Metropolis…
When the globe stopped, Lois just sat their in silence, her mind racing. Clark Kent was Superman? It seemed impossible, but, the more she thought of it, the more obvious it became. All those hasty exits, and terrible excuses. All those nonsensical comments. And, most significantly of all, her own confused feelings. Lois finally understood how she could have felt such strong feelings for two men at once. How she could have longed after Superman one moment, and Clark the next. She had loved him, as both Clark and Superman, for a very long time.
If only she had known sooner. All the time and trouble that could have been saved. She'd been denying her own feelings for Clark for over a year, and all because of Superman.
Sitting there, Lois slowly realized that she should have felt betrayed, but, strangely enough, she didn't. Seeing Clark's life through the globe had given her a new insight, allowed her to see him as he really was. And so, she was able to understand that Clark wanted to be accepted for himself, and not for the things he could do. He hadn't told her because he wanted her to love Clark, and not a superhero.
"Lois?" She turned around then, to find Clark standing in the doorway, shifting nervously. She had never seen him look so scared. "Are you okay?"
She stood up and crossed to him. Holding both his hands in her own, she looked up into his face. As tears began pouring down her cheeks, she replied, "Clark…I don't think I've ever been more okay in my life."
"You're not mad?" he asked, unable to believe his good fortune.
"Well, I think I should be…would be…if…" she broke off, unsure how to continue. "I love you, Clark. The real you." She smiled through her tears. "And I guess now, I don't have to worry about breaking the news to Superman."
Clark let out a deep breath. He'd been holding it in since entering the room. "I was so afraid. I've wanted to tell you, but I was so scared you'd get mad. I didn't want to jeopardize our partnership, or our friendship, or anything else we might be developing. But I couldn't let our relationship go, well, further, without telling you. I've never wanted to lie to you Lois, I was just so scared…"
Before he could say another word, Lois slipped into his arms. Pulling his head towards hers, she proceeded to prove in a manner infinitely better than words that Clark had nothing to be afraid of in the world…