Some Like It Hotter

By Dave Songer (

Summary: When Superman disappears without a trace, it becomes a job for that daring group of FoLCs known as the Unreliable Mission Force (UMF). An adventure in script form.




INT. Unreliable Mission Force Headquarters - (Day #1)

A crowd of Lois and Clark Discussion list members have gathered to be sworn into the Unreliable Mission Force (UMF). UMF leader Robert Phelps stands nearby as the new inductees are sworn in. Once the ceremony is finished Bob Phelps addresses the crowd.

Bob Phelps
Good morning everyone! On behalf of UMF I'd like to be the first to welcome you on taking the first step in becoming UMF members. I see many familiar faces here today such as Odette Havel, Melissa Dore, James Esteves, Jon Knutson, Laurel Brooks, Jennifer Baker, Dave Songer, and so on. Unfortunately we haven't convinced Andrea Aron, Renate Brink, and Zoomway to join us…but I'm always hopeful.

Bob Phelps steps closer and asks the group to be seated. He motions for Tara O'Shea and Melinda Young to start up the presentation on the screen behind him.

Bob Phelps
My friends, I had hoped to spend more time with you before ordering you out on your first assignment, but I can't afford the luxury. There is trouble in Metropolis and we need some of you there pronto.

The crowd in front of Bob Phelps begins to stir and whisper amongst themselves.

Trouble? What kind of trouble Bob?

Are we ready for this Bob? I mean we just joined and we don't know much about procedure here. You're kind of throwing us to the wolves aren't you?

Bob Phelps hesitated to catch his breath for a second before addressing the group again.

Bob Phelps
I understand your hesitancy James. I wish there was another way, but we have big trouble in Metropolis and we're shorthanded. So we'll just have to make do with what we know. Tara, go ahead and show the first slide.

The first slide came up on the large screen behind Bob Phelps. Everyone focused on the picture and there were gasps of concern from the murmuring crowd. The slide depicted the front page of yesterday's Daily Planet Newspaper, morning edition. The headline read: TOASTERS BUST OUT OF PRISON!

Bob Phelps
As you can see people, this is serious. Not only did the Toasters escape from prison, but they retrieved their flame-throwers and are running amok again in Metropolis.

Nicola Grzeschik
Bob, how did you get a copy of the Newspaper? Do we have an agent inside Metropolis now?

Bob Phelps
Actually Nico, we have two…Tad Takara and Suen Tan. They've been there a while now, working for us and passing along any info they can. Tad sent us this paper yesterday. They both are working undercover at the Planet, although Lois Lane, Clark Kent, Jimmy Olsen and Perry White know their true identities.

I don't understand Bob? If Superman is there all he has to do is use his superbreath and cool off The Toasters again. Why do you need us there?

Bob Phelps motioned for Melinda Young to advance the next slide.

Bob Phelps
Basically Odette, because of this…

Bob Phelps turned to look at the slide. A hush feel over the crowd as the group looked with concern at the slide of today's edition of the Daily Planet. The Headline stood out in big bold letters, and the caption was not a good sign…SUPERMAN DISAPPEARS WITHOUT A TRACE!

Bob Phelps
I'm ordering several of you to go to Metropolis at once. I'm going to randomly select some names out of a box. I've written everyone's name on a pava leaf and whoever's name I call out I want you to get up and stand over by Tara and Melinda. You'll be going to Metropolis and they'll brief you on the way. The next group of names I call will be on standby, ready to assist the first wave should something go wrong.

Everyone began to squirm in their chairs, anxious at the chance to prove their skills on the first mission. Bob Phelps opened the box and began calling out names.

Bob Phelps
Okay, the first wave will consist of Jon Knutson, Laurel Brooks, Heidi Lanam, Mike Williams, Dave Songer, and Jennifer Baker.

The six members who were selected jumped up and congratulated each other before moving over by Tara and Melinda.

Bob Phelps
The second strike team will consist of James Esteves, Gail Lefkowitz, Odette Havel, Nicola Grzeschik, Kathy Pernisek, and Franny. Okay people, you know what's expected. Do your best to find Superman. If you can't, you're going to have to shut down The Toasters by yourself. Once we project you into Metropolis, I want you to go to the Planet and check in with Perry White, Suen, and Tad.

Mike Williams
Isn't there a time factor involved. I thought if we stay too long in the animation world, we can never come back?

Bob Phelps
That's been perfected Mike. We can actually keep an agent there for up to 90 days before they have to come back. As long as they come back once every ninety days, we're safe. That's what Tad and Suen have been doing. Now listen up first wave. Jon, you're in charge…You'll be given the Teleporter device which has a communication link back to us. Check in every two hours with Tara and Melinda. If we don't hear from you after 4 hours, we send in the second unit. Each of you will be given a communicator pin which will allow you to keep in touch each other. It's a short range thing, only good for about two miles so don't stray off too far. Good luck people…and good hunting.

The lights in the room came back on and the first wave shuffled out into their waiting room. Each of them took a stun gun and a couple of Double Fudge Crunch Bars for food. The six members of strike force one walked toward the portal, wished each other a safe journey, and with a deep breath moved into the portal. There was a flash of light and the six strike team members disappeared.

Do you think it was really wise to send them on a tough assignment like this right away?

Bob Phelps
I've been up all night anguishing over this Tara, but we have no choice…we're too shorthanded to spare you and Melinda.

Melinda Young
Keep your fingers crossed. Ten bucks says they forget to check in after two hours!

Even worse…I wonder if they'll find their way to the Planet.

Bob Phelps winced and walked away shaking his head.

Act I

FADE IN: (Ext.)

Six members of UMF have just materialized in an alley opposite the Daily Planet. After gathering themselves, Jon Knutson takes charge.

Jon Knutson
Okay FOLCS, now that we have our bearings straight, I think we better get over to the Daily Planet and see where we stand.

Mike Williams
Boy, that ride through the portal sure leaves you with a strange feeling. I feel like Arnold Swarzeneggar did when he materialized back in the past in that movie The Terminator.

Laurel Brooks
Really! It's lucky for the rest of us though that you still have your clothes on!

Mike Williams
Ha Ha…very funny Laurel. I could say the same for you!

Jennifer Baker
Enough boys and girls…lets get moving. Who knows what's gone on since the last edition of the Planet.

Heidi Lanam
Good point JijiB…Let's get going.

The group shuffle across the street and into The Daily Planet building. Once inside they proceed to where Tad, Suen, Lois, Jimmy, and Perry are having a meeting in the conference room. The group proceed inside and greetings are exchanged.

Dave!…Mike!…Heidi! Alright! Glad you could make it. Suen and I knew some of you were arriving, but we didn't know who it would be. I'm glad it's you FOLCS.

Tad's right Jon; glad you, Laurel, Jennifer and the rest could make it. Perry was just filling us in on the latest before you showed up. It's gotten much worse since this morning.

Please Perry, proceed…we're here to help any way we can.

Well Jon, it's worse than being outside an Elvis concert without any tickets! The Toasters are lighting up the town and the Police are powerless to stop it. Clark Kent was doing some recon work for us when he just flat out disappeared. Sore Throat couldn't even help us! I don't have a clue what to do next. The Toasters just hit the Metro Mall about an hour ago and they seem to be working their way over to the Metropolis Press Club.

Look Chief, why don't you let Jimmy and me go check out the wharf and see if anyone has any ideas. That's where Clark was last seen.

Yeah Chief! How about it…I could take some great pictures?

(to Lois)
No! I don't like it. It's too dangerous.

Tad, quit handling me with kid gloves…I can take care of myself!

Look Lois, Tad's right. That's why the UMF's here. We're trained professionals…we live for this kind of adventure. This is better than Rambo! We're going to be the Toaster's worst nightmare!

Alright…you guys handle it…we'll be here if you need us.

Alright everyone here's the plan. Dave, you take Mike and Laurel with you and get down to the Wharf; see if you can find out anything about Clark and report back to me in two hours.

Got it Jon…we're outta here.

Heidi and Jennifer, you come with me. We're going to go check out the Metropolis Press Club and see if we can head off the Toasters. Tad, Suen, I need you guys here to coordinate things from the Daily Planet and keep us informed on any new developments.

Got it Jon…just call if you need us in the field.

Alright FOLCS…good luck. Let's move out.

The six UMF members left the room and proceeded into the elevator and out of sight.

I have to use the rest room Tad…I'll be right back.

A smile begins to play on the lips of Lois Lane, the Daily Planet's top reporter.

Oh Tad? Would you be a dear and go down to the store and get me some Double Fudge Crunch Bars?

Lois! You just ate a box for breakfast!

I know…but you know how much I like them… Please…for me.

Alright…I'll be right back.

After Tad disappears from sight, Lois motions Jimmy over to her desk.

Hey Lois, what's up?

Get your camera Jimmy…quick.

What's going on Lois?

Oh nothing…just the story of the century, now hurry up.

Jimmy retrieves his camera and the two reporters sneak down the fire exit and out into the street…disappearing into a taxi.


Tad and Suen have tried in vain to reach members of the UMF in order to warn them to be on the lookout for Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen.

We're not having any luck Suen, Jon and Dave are not responding to my communication.

I guess they're both outside the three mile limit. Not much we can do Tad, except wait.

I know Lois can take care of herself, but I'm still worried. You think we should call Headquarters?

Nope. It would just cause them to worry and probably send more forces when perhaps they're not needed.

You know Suen…you're always painfully right.

(with a grin)
I know…it's positively frustrating, isn't it?



Dave, Mike, and Laurel arrive at the Wharf and begin to question dock workers regarding Clark Kent. Without much luck, they move on to a small Inn at the end of the wharf. The group sits down at a table in the corner.

What'll it be FOLCS?


Buying or selling sweet cheeks?

(Whipping out a $20 bill and a Picture of Clark) Buying. Ever see this guy before?

Yep…Couldn't forget a face like that. He came in the other day and sat down at this same table. Seems he was waiting for someone. A woman came in and sat next to him. They talked for about 10 minutes and then the man left. The woman stayed and then about 15 minutes later another man came in and sat down with the woman.

Do you remember what they looked like or did you get a name.

What do I look like honey…Mata Hari?

Look, it's really important. We think the first guy you saw is in some sort of danger. Can you remember anything at all?

Well, the woman was really elegant, but the guy looked like a street person…the only thing I remember about him was that he was bald.

Laurel, Mike and Dave exchange glances and chime in unison.

Laurel, Mike, Dave

You've been very helpful, thanks. Can we have three glasses of ice tea.

(Turning to get the order)
Lightweights huh.

I could really use a drink.

Relax Mike…I need you sober. We may be in for something more than we bargained for.

Where do you think CK went?

I haven't the foggiest…but you can bet that the woman set him up.

Surely Supes can take care of himself, right?

You'd tend to think so, but who knows where Luthor is concerned.

Waitress returns with the drinks.

Oh, I almost forgot…your friend left a piece of paper on the table when he left. It was laying under the tip, that's how I remember. It just said 'Toaster' and had an address…225 Park Place.

Thanks, you've been very helpful.

(Looking sultry)
Anytime sugar…come back when you're not so busy.

The Waitress turns and meticulously weaves through the tables back to the counter. The three finish their drinks and leave the Inn, unaware of a man in the corner of the bar who gets up to use the telephone. He dials a number and waits for a voice to respond.

Voice on the line

Man at the Wharf Bar
It's me Johnson.

Voice on the line
What is it?

There were some people at the bar nosing around. They were asking a lot of questions about Clark Kent. I think they're on their way over to 225 Park Place.

Voice on the line
Well then, we'll just have to prepare a welcome for them then…

Both men hang up the phone. The man at the Wharf Bar goes back to his table, but the other man on the telephone pours himself some more brandy and sits himself down in a cushy chair by a fireplace. A woman's hand slowly moves onto his shoulder and the man slowly turns towards the woman. The man is Lex Luthor…

Well Mrs. Cox…seems that some people recognized us at the Wharf and now they're on their way here.

Mrs. Cox
Should I call the Toasters?

(With a grin)
No, that won't be necessary Mrs. Cox. I believe we can welcome them into our lovely home…all by ourselves. Let's go see if we can find the welcome mat, shall we?

The two villains move towards the door and exit the study.

EXT. - Outside The Wharf Bar.

Let's get the car and head over to 225 Park Place and have a look around.

Good Idea…we can check in with Jon on the way over.

Sounds like a plan…I'll drive.

The three UMF members leave the Wharf and proceed in the direction of Park Place.

(into communicator pin)
Jon…come in…over.

Hi Dave…any news on CK?

Yeah…It might be worse than we thought. Luthor's mixed up in this somehow…We traced CK to a bar and found out that he met with some woman we think set him up in a trap with Luthor.

It figures that Luthor would be involved. If I ever get my hands on that Que Ball I'm going to do some plastic surgery on him myself. Any idea where CK is now?

Well, not certain…but we do have an address, 225 Park Place. We're on our way there now.

Good…Heidi, Jennifer, and I are waiting over here at the Metropolis Press Club but so far nothing's happened. Check back with me in a half-hour and then I'll check in with Tad and Suen and we can report back to Bob Phelps at the two hour mark.

Gotcha…over and out.

Well, this is it…225 Park Place.

Geez…this place looks like the home of the Munsters!

More like the place Norman Bates lived at.

The three UMF members park the car and cautiously move towards the front entrance of the mansion.

How do we play this?

Mike, you go around the back and see if you can get in the house from that way…Laurel and I are going in through the front.

I was afraid you were going to suggest that, Dave.

Mike Williams disappears around the side of the house while Dave and Laurel pick the lock on the front door and step into the house.

This almost seems too easy…

I don't like it…it's too quiet.

I don't hear anything upstairs, but I hear some sort of music coming from beyond that door straight ahead.

Slowly, Laurel and Dave proceed towards the door. Dave tries the handle and the door gently opens. The room is dim and there is a faint sound of classical music emanating from a speaker on the wall. A large chair, facing the opposite direction, reveals cigar smoke and a man's hand wrapped around a glass of brandy.

(Pulling out his stun gun)
Alright Luthor…the party's over…where's CK?

(Standing up to face his accusers)
Ahh…The game's afoot! Why Laurel, you look even more radiant then when I saw you at the award ceremony several months ago.

Save the sweet talk Luthor…where's CK?

Well, he's indisposed at the moment, but perhaps Mrs. Cox knows exactly where he is.

Laurel and Dave hear a click behind them and slowly turn to see Mrs. Cox holding an assault rifle.

Ahh Mrs. Cox…good of you to join us.

Mrs. Cox
That's what friends are for…Where's the third one?

Everyone hears another click…this time from behind Mrs. Cox.

Right here Mrs. Cox…sorry for not being so punctual. Now drop your weapon.

Just when everything seems in hand for the UMF, the front door bursts open, and in walk Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen, both with their hands in the air…behind them, everyone can see the point of a gun raised at the backs of Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen.

Good work Johnson…I'm afraid I underestimated the UMF. Good thing you joined us.

I found these two snooping around the Wharf and followed them over here.

(turning back to Dave)
Well Dave…looks like you win the set, but I win the match!

(dropping his weapon)
It's not over yet Luthor.

(Turning to face the three UMF members)
But alas it is…Laurel I'm sorry…you know what they say…Love is Love, but Business…is Business.

(dropping her weapon)
More like Monkey Business to me…

Mrs. Cox…would you be so kind as to escort our friends down into the basement so they can be with their friend…Clark Kent.

Mrs. Cox
(retrieving her weapon)
Alright everyone…let's go.

Lois, Jimmy, Laurel, Dave, and Mike are then escorted down into the basement and locked in a cell.

Lois! What are you doing here? I thought you were ordered to stay at The Planet?

And what, miss the story of the century? I didn't become an investigative reporter to crochet at the office.

(from the far corner of the cell)
Hey guys…you better take a look at this.

The group slowly moves over to where Mike is standing, and looks out across the room. Over on the table is a slab of ice and some sort of machine which is shooting a beam down onto the block of ice. Inside the ice is the figure of a man…the figure of Clark Kent.

Holy shades of Elvis!

What have they done to him?

I don't know…but I don't think he's dead. They wouldn't go to all this trouble if he was dead.

(addressing the group)
You're quite right Dave. He's in a state of suspended animation. You see, I got hold of The Punster's specifications for his freezing machine and with a few modifications, we were able to have the freezing device emit a slow pulse that can keep someone in suspended animation indefinitely.

You're sick Luthor…

Well this has been a very touching reunion, but I must be going…duty calls. Hope you enjoy your new home…I'll just hang onto your stun guns just in case you might have any silly notion about trying to leave…Au Revior!

Luthor exits…leaving the group to ponder their next move. Everyone slumps down in the cell…trying in vain to think of a way out…



INT. - Metropolis Press Club

Jon Knutson, Heidi Lanam, and Jennifer Baker are talking to the club owner, Thomas Hastings, about the possibility of some trouble occurring at the club.

Mr. Hastings
I assure you Mr. Knutson, we have three security guards here…that should be enough to handle any emergencies.

Jon Knutson
I don't think it would make a difference if RAMBO was here…these so-called TOASTERS are extremely dangerous.

Mr. Hastings
Well if you really insist on staying, you could at least order some food…it's bad for business to have non-newspaper people running around with stun guns.

Jon Knutson
Thanks…we'll try to be as inconspicuous as possible.

Heidi Lanam
Say Jon…I have to go freshen up…order me angel hair pasta with basil, and lots of parmesan cheese.

Jennifer Baker
When in Rome, huh, Heidi…

Jon Knutson
I'm worried about Dave, Laurel, and Mike… They were supposed to report in 15 minutes ago. Something's definitely amiss.

Jennifer Baker
What's wrong with this picture, huh? I imagine something's interfering with the signal from the communication pins or else they be in some serious trouble.

Just at that moment, the front door opens and three of the Toasters come through the door. Their flame-throwers are charged and ready.

Hello friends…looks like the food's cold in here…I think we better warm it up for you.

The Toasters fire the flame-throwers at some of the table tops as people scramble out of their seats and head toward the back of the club. They turn their sights on the table where Jon and Jennifer are, but Jon is a step ahead and has turned the table over to act as a temporary shield while he and Jennifer produce their stun guns. Another Toaster, who was masquerading as a patron flips his table over and yanks out a flame-thrower from his suitcase. He awaits his leader's command.

Looks like we have some competition boys. Gentleman, I propose a toast to our new found friends.

A five minute melee ensues with firepower being exchanged in different directions. In the meantime, Heidi has been observing the sights from inside the women's bathroom.

Heidi Lanam
Just great! These Bagels got us pinned down and Dave & Co. are nowhere in sight.

Heidi thinks for a few seconds and then uses her communicator pin.

Heidi Lanam
Tad! Suen! come in, over.

Tad Takara
Go ahead Heidi…what's up.

Heidi Lanam
We got big trouble. We haven't heard from Dave, Laurel, or Mike, and the Toasters got Jon and Jennifer pinned down in the restaurant.

Where are you then Heidi?

Heidi Lanam
I'm hiding out in the bathroom. Look get over to this address, 225 Park Place. That's where Dave, Laurel and Mike were heading. I'll try and see if I can't help even the odds out here, over.

You sure you don't need any help there?

No…I'll be fine.

Okay, good luck, over.

Meanwhile, everyone in harms way find themselves in a Mexican Standoff.

Jon Knutson
(To Toaster #1)
Hope we didn't put a damper on any plans you and the rest of the Toastettes had in mind.

You're gonna be toast buddy if you don't give yourself up…we'll torch this whole place bud.

Jennifer Baker
Stuff it dragon breath…we're here to rain on your parade.

Just then, an unsuspecting couple comes through the front door and before anyone can warn them, two of the toasters grab them.

Jon Knutson
DAMN! I was afraid of that happening!

What's it going to be…you gonna give up or do I cremate these nice folks?

Jon Knutson
Alright…you win…just don't hurt those people or it'll be the last thing you ever do in this lifetime.

Jon stands up and tosses the stun gun to the Toasters. However, Jennifer contacts Heidi on her communicator pin before standing up.

Jennifer Baker
Heidi…you there?

Heidi Lanam
Yes…look just go peacefully. I called Tad and Suen, they're on their way over to Luthor's to see what's going on with Dave, Mike, and Laurel. There's a window in here…I'll climb out and follow you…just hang in there.

Okay, over and out.

Jennifer then stands up along side of Jon and tosses her stun gun over with the other. She whispers to Jon about the exchange of words between her and Heidi. With that, the Toasters escort Jon and Jennifer out of the Metropolis Press Club. Several moments later, they pull away in a fire engine red van. Several moments later another vehicle pulls away from the curb carrying Heidi Lanam who is following the van at a safe distance.

Come in Tad, over?

Go ahead Heidi…how are things progressing?

Actually they're not. The Toasters took some hostages and forced Jon and Jennifer to give up. I escaped through the bathroom window and I've been following them for about 5 minutes. They seem to be heading towards the outskirts of town…toward the old Luthor mansion. See if you can't meet me over there and we'll coordinate our rescue efforts when we meet.

We're on our way, over and out.

INT. - Daily Planet Newsroom.

Tad Takara Ready Suen?

Yeah…I got my stun gun and communicator if that's what you mean?

Yeah…what do you think we should do about headquarters?

Well, I'd like to think we're part of the Dirty Dozen here but truth be told, I think we better call all this in.

(walking toward Perry's office) That's exactly what I was thinking. Look why don't you call in to headquarters, I'll go tell Perry what's going on.

(firing up the UMF Telecommunicator) Right…Headquarters, this is task force one over?

Tara O'Shea
Go ahead task force one, this is Headquarters.

Here's the situation in a pava leaf…Luthor's behind the Toasters. Dave, Laurel, and Mike went to Luthor's old mansion at 225 Park Place and haven't reported back when they were supposed to. The Toasters captured Jennifer and Jon, but Heidi got away. She's going to meet Tad and me over at the old Luthor mansion. We'll try and rescue everybody after that, over.

Melinda Young
Geez, you guys are just about batting a thousand I'd say.

We're doing the best we can under the circumstances. This is what you get when you send raw recruits over here…you get what you pay for.

Melinda Young
Then it's a good thing for us we didn't spend too much.

Robert Phelps
Suen, this is Bob…See if you can report back just before you make your move on the Toasters…I'm sending task force two over in ten minutes.

Okay, tell them to report to Perry White over at the Planet, he can clue them in on any details we may have left out, over.

Robert Phelps
Good…Good luck Suen…give my best to Tad, over and out.

(returning from Perry's office)
Okay, let's book!

The two members of the UMF step into the elevator at the Planet and out of sight.

INT. - UMF Headquarters

Robert Phelps is briefing task force two which consists of Franny, Kathy Pernisek, Nico Grzeschik, Odette Havel, Gail Lefkowitz, and James Esteves.

Robert Phelps
I've decided to add two more members to task force two. Diane Levitan and Perri Smith. They've been briefed on where we're all at.

Odette Havel
Sounds Good Bob…let's do it…we gotta straighten things out quick before the Toasters burn down all of Metropolis.

Robert Phelps
Right!…Okay FOLCS…Good luck. Tara's starting up the portal now…when you get to the Daily Planet, report to Perry White, he'll brief you. Right now, this is where we stand. Most of Task Force one is either missing or captured. Suen, Tad, and Heidi are attempting to rectify this problem. After Perry fills you in, you better get over to Luthor's old mansion at 225 Park Place. If I don't hear from you in four hours, I'm sending in team three which will be led by Tara O'Shea and consist of Missy Dore, Debby Stark, and Suzanne Fleischauer.

Gail Lefkowitz
Don't worry Bob…we'll get things resolved.

James Esteves
Okay boys and girls…let's do it!

As Melinda Young waves her acknowledgment that the portal is open, the 8 members of task force two move up into position, and take a uniform deep breath. Instantly, everyone steps forward and into the light…disappearing from view.

Tara O'Shea
Team Two away, Sir.

Robert Phelps
Let's hope they have better luck that team one.

Melinda Young
Let's hope Team Three has better luck than Team Two.

Tara rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

Just then a messenger bursts in from the power room.

Robert Phelps
Elva? What's wrong?

Elva Young
We got major problems…The power generator Just had a spike and the UPS took a major hit in the shorts…we're not going to be able to send anyone in through the portal until it's fixed.

Robert Phelps
What kind of time frame are we looking at?

Elva Young
I'd say minimum…36 hours…more like 48!

Robet Phelps
(in shock)
FORTY EIGHT HOURS! This thing will be over in 24! we have got to get the power back up to maximum capacity as soon as possible. If we lose Team Two and we can't send anyone else in for 48 hours. The Toasters are going to cremate Metropolis and then move westward. Take all the people you need Elva…we need that grid back up in 16 hours if possible.

Elva Young
Sixteen Hours? Oh well, We'll do the best we can but I'm not making any promises at this point.

Elva passes through the double doors and out of sight.

Robert Phelps
Boy Tara…if you know any prayers, now's a good time to say them…we're going to need all the help we can get. Team One's in trouble, Superman has dropped out of sight, the Toasters are still running loose, and now the portal is out of commission. We're in big trouble!!!

The three UMF members in the control room stare at the portal and just shake their heads…Time is running out!




INT. - Perry White's Office at the Daily Planet.

The members of UMF's Task Force Two stand around Perry's office as they wait for Perry to get off the phone.

Alright Alice…don't worry. I'll be sure to be on time for the recital. I wish it was Elvis playing, but I'm sure our niece will be fine…I'll talk with you later sweetheart.

Perry hangs up the phone and addresses the group.

Sorry about that…I have to attend a recital for my niece after work. Now let's get down to brass tacks… This UMF plan has been going worse than an Elvis impersonator contest. Team one is off in oblivion somewhere and my two star reporters are nowhere in sight. The Toasters are still loose and now your other two members, Frank and Jesse James have gone riding off into the sunset to see if they can add to my frustration.. Boy my blood pressure is going ballistic!

Odette Havel
I understand Perry. Look we're here to help. Remember, there's safety in numbers. We already have a lead, and we know who's behind the Toasters. Look, a couple of us will stay here and the rest of us are on our way to the old Luthor mansion at 225 Park Place.

Perry White
I don't think I really want to know what's going on, do I?

James Esteves
Probably not Perry…don't worry…everything's under control.

Perry White
Lois and Clark say that all the time. That's usually when the roof comes down on our heads!

Gail Lefkowitz
Excuse me, but we can get the job done, Thank you very much. We're UMF and that means we're the best.

Perry White
Hey, hey…okay now. I believe in you Wonder Woman. You can relax. I'm just a little touchy these days because I have deadlines and my best reporters are out doing God Knows What in God Knows Where. Look, just let me know if I can be of any help.

Nico Grzeschik
We understand Perry…Just hang in there my man…we'll get things moving pronto.

Perry White
Okay. I'll be here if you need me.

Right. Okay, here's the deal. Perri, you're the journalism wiz, stay here with Diane Levitan and see if you can help out with the paper's deadlines and act as a link between us and headquarters. Let us know if anything breaks on your end. The rest of you get your weapons ready…we're going to go see if we can burn some toast! Oh and Diane, make certain that any articles you gals write sound like they were written by Harvard University graduates and not Harvard Lampoon graduates…we don't want UMF looking incompetent.

Diane Levitan
(rolling her eyes)
No chance of that happening.

Okay gang…we're on the road…let's do it.

The six members of the UMF's Task Force Two pile into the elevator and out of sight…as well as out of mind!

Perry White
Say, you two girls look familiar. I swear I've seen you two around this office before.

Us? Are you sure? I don't think so?

Perry White
I could have sworn I've seen you in this office before?

Perri and Diane give each other a sneaky glance.

I don't know Perry…you look familiar but I don't think we've been here when you were here.

Perry White
Now I remember…you both took a tour of the Planet…I remember you both in my office with some space rats.

That's true…but we didn't see you…how did you know we were here?

Perry White
I didn't become editor and chief of the biggest newspaper in the world because I can yodel!

Oh Boy…where have I heard that one before!

Perry White
Anyway…why don't you go see Eduardo Freiz concerning some of the articles we're trying to get into the evening edition. He can get you started.

Sounds like a plan chief!

The two girls file out of Perry's office and begin their task of assisting the paper make its evening deadline.

Ext. - Outside Luthor's old mansion at 225 Park Place. Heidi, Tad and Suen are trying to figure a way into the mansion.

You say you're sure you trailed the Toasters here and they entered through a secret entrance someplace Heidi?

Yep. They got in someplace. Any suggestions Tad?

Yeah…let's get inside Sherlock.

What do I look like James Bond? The only way I know how to get in here is to ring the doorbell.

Come on Heidi! Where's your sense of adventure?

I think I left it back at headquarters.

I say we climb in through the window.

Let's go check one out.

The three members proceed to the back of the mansion where they find a window which looks inviting.

Check it out Suen…how does it look?

Well, I can see an laser beam that's at the base of the window. The minute we open the window it's going to trigger some sort of alarm.

Okay, I have a glass cutter. Let's cut a hole in the window and we'll leave a small two-sided mirror in its place. It will reflect off the beams and we can climb over it; but whatever you do, don't touch it.

Got it. Go ahead Suen…you do the honors.

Suen proceeds to cut a circle in one of the panes of the window and uses a suction cup to attach to the glass. He then, ever so gently, pulls the pane away form the window. He then takes out the small two-sided mirror and plants it at the base of the window so as to reflect the laser beam both ways. He then lifts the window up high enough so the three can fit inside.

I'd like to see James Bond do that!

Okay Crocodile Dundee, relax. We're not there yet.

Quiet you two…you want to wake up everyone in Metropolis! Let's go, Suen you first… once inside secure the perimeter and we'll follow.

Suen proceeds to climb inside the window. His feet touch the floor and he begins to move away from the window towards the edge of the dark room which appears to be a study. He signals to Tad that the room is secure and then Heidi and Tad proceed inside as well.

Well, looking around the ceiling, I don't see any surveillance cameras around the room so I don't think we're being watched.

True, but someone may be listening to us.

I doubt that if someone isn't watching us, they would be listening. It's not Luthor's style. He likes to know what's going on.

Tad doesn't realize just how true is statement is. In a far corner of the house, Lex Luthor, Mrs. Cox, and the leader of the Toasters are watching every move that Tad's group makes.

Amazing this modern ingenuity. I anticipated that some people might discover my laser beam system and find a way around it, so I set up a pressure pad system at the base of every door and window. The minute someone steps on them I'm notified with a small pulse in my wrist watch.

Mrs. Cox
Very wise to put the surveillance camera inside the bookcase which faces the window too.

Yes, I think it very appropriate that I put the camera inside one of my favorite books… Citizen Kane.

Toaster #1
I say we fry these toads…let me have them.

Patience my good fellow…everything comes to he who waits. Mrs. Cox, would you proceed to the basement and proceed with Plan A.

Mrs. Cox
I think that can be arranged.

And you my hot blooded friend, go round up your goons and proceed with Operation Meltdown.

Toaster #1
What about these…

(cutting him off)
Just do as I say…everything will be handled in the proper order…now move.

Both Mrs. Cox and the leader of the Toasters leave Luthor's wine tasting room while Luthor pours himself another glass of white wine. After sampling the wine he sits himself down and waits for the door behind him to open. Several minutes go by before the knob on the door begins to turn and the door slowly opens.

Please Tad…come in. Won't you join me?

Save the cordial greetings Luthor. Where's the rest of our UMF members?

You know Tad…German Whites are really the best. Trouble is they're so hard to obtain. Yet for a man of my stature, I can get all the German wine I want. I have it flown in personally you know. Won't you try some?

I'm not here for your life story Luthor, I'm here to put you out of business and and get the rest of our task force. Now you got five seconds to give me an answer before I sample one of those wine bottles over your head!

Sad, so very sad. Such undying devotion to a life that's so mediocre. You would have made such a good personal attache.

Enough of this banter…where are the members of UMF?

Yes, and where are the Toasters too, while your in the talking mood?

My, my, it's like old home week. Well if you insist, I'll take you to them.

Okay Luthor, but no tricks or you'll end up with some extra holes in your head.

Lex Luthor moved to the wine cabinet and pulled out a bottle of wine on one of the racks. He then reached in where the bottle had been and pressed a button. Slowly the wine cabinet opened to reveal an opening on the other side. The party of four (NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH PARTY OF FIVE on the FOX network :) ) entered into the corridor and proceeded until it came out to a ledge by a staircase leading down. The ledge afforded a grand view of the room. The UMF members stopped at the ledge to survey the room. Down in the left corner of the room was a large table. On it was a large slab of ice. At the base of the table was a device which was emitting a laser beam that was focused on someone inside the ice. Tad, Suen, and Heidi immediately recognized the person inside the ice…it was Superman! However, it was the other side of the room which really caught their attention. There was a large cage which had UMF members and Jimmy Olsen. Chained to the far was a woman. In front of her was Mrs. Cox with an automatic rifle trained at the woman. Tad began to clench his fists and was having a hard time controlling himself…The woman chained to the wall was Lois Lane.

Luthor, if you hurt Lois there won't be a place in the world you will be able to hide from me. I'll haunt you into eternity.

Come, come now, Tad…nothing has happened to her… not yet that is. I suggest you put down your guns and proceed downstairs.

Do as he says Suen. You too Heidi.

That's better.

The four of them proceeded down the stairs and over to the cage.

Jon Knutson
Glad you could make it Tad. We didn't know if you were invited to this party.

(climbing into the cage)
Wouldn't miss it for the world. How is everyone?

Dave Songer
We're okay…a little better shape than Supes I'd say.

Yeah I noticed. What is that all about?

Laurel Brooks
Luthor got his hands on the Prankster's freeze machine and with a few modifications he's been able to keep Superman in suspended animation with that beam that continually shines on his forehead. The temperature on that table is around zero. It's putting out some sort of chemical that is able to keep the ice from melting.

Mike Williams
We've been here a few hours racking our brains trying to come up with a way out of this circus.

Jennifer Baker
We haven't had much luck…our only hope was that Bob Phelps sent the second team and that they have better luck than us.

Well you're in luck there. The second team should have arrived already.

Laurel Brooks
I missed you Heidi. I didn't know if you'd find us?

I had good directions…followed you FOLCs here and got in touch with Tad and Suen. A lot of good it did me.

Jon Knutson
Don't be too hard on yourself Heidi. Luthor didn't win yet.

True Jon…but the match is almost over and you FOLCs are way behind. I wish I could stay and chat but I have a date with destiny. Tonight's edition of the paper will really be hot off the presses! Come Mrs. Cox…Au Revior FOLCs!

Luthor and Mrs. Cox exit the room.

What's that supposed to mean?

Mike Williams
Who knows…the guy's a fruitcake!

Lois! Are you alright?

Lois Lane
I'm okay Tad. Sorry I didn't listen to you.

We can talk about that later.

Dave Songer

Jon Knutson
What is it Dave?

Dave Songer
I just thought of something. Luthor said tonight's paper will really be hot off the presses.

Jon Knutson
You're right! I should have picked up on it right away.

Laurel Brooks
You two want to clue us in?

Jon Knutson
Simple…Luthor plans on having the Toasters burn down the Daily Planet Building!

Oh boy! We better find a way out of here quick or no more Daily Planet!

Mike Williams
Think of the people who may be trapped in the building!

Everyone takes a deep breath and begin searching for a way out of the predicament. Unless they come up with something soon, all is lost!




INT. - The basement in Luthor's mansion.

UMF members pace around the cage trying to figure a way out of their predicament.

Just hang in there Lois, we'll try to figure a way out of this soon.

(flexing her chains)
Don't worry Tad…I'm not going anywhere.

Jimmy Olsen
Jon, what are we going to do…The Planet's going to be destroyed, and probably Perry White too!

Jon Knutson
Relax Jimmy, I'm working on it.

Heidi Lanam
I think I got an idea.

Mike Williams
At this point Heidi, we're open to all suggestions…kind of like Dave Songer's Top 10 List.

Everyone rolls their eyes and shake their head.

Laurel Brooks
Go for it girl! If you got us a ticket out of here, count me in.

Heidi takes off her backpack and unzips it to reveal a pair of silver skates. Strapping them on, she maneuvers closer to the door of the cage. Suddenly she begins to whack the door, by the keyhole. After several minutes, the door begins to loosen.

Dave Songer

Jennifer Baker
If you're tired Heidi, take a second to catch your breath.

Heidi Lanam
I'm fine…can't stop now, we need to get out of here quickly.

You're right Heidi…hang in there…you almost got it.

After several more minutes the lock gives way and the door flies open. Everyone cheers Heidi as they all file out of the cage. Tad quickly goes to the table to retrieve his weapon and communicator pin, as does the rest of the group. Then Tad grabs a lock pick and undoes the chains to free Lois Lane.

It's about time Tad…I was beginning to think you had given up.

Not likely Lois…I couldn't let another hour go by without offering you a Double Fudge Crunch Bar.

The two begin to laugh and hug each other over their new found freedom.

Dave Songer
Tad? Are you coming with us or do you and Lois have something else in mind?

Well now, let me see. I think…

Mike Williams
(interrupting him)
Tad! Come on this is no time for games!

He's right Tad…we need to get moving or the Planet will be cremated!

Relax, I was only kidding. Let's get going.

(pointing an assault rifle at the group)
No one is going anywhere.

The group looks up to see Johnson, and another of Luthor's henchmen hold assault rifles on the group. The two are standing on the ledge.

This time, there will be no escape.

Jon Knutson
(whispering to the group) We can't let them take us. If they do the Planet's finished.

I don't see how we're going to be able to stop them.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, comes the sound of two thuds. Both Johnson and the other henchman go tumbling down the stairs and end up at the base of the staircase, unconscious. Two women appear at the top of the ledge, shaking hands.

ANDREA! RHEN! But how?

You didn't think we'd miss this party did you?

Jon Knutson
I can't believe this…how did you find us?

Andrea, Zooms, and I joined UMF right after the second wave left for Metropolis. Bob Phelps felt it best we came in secretly.

Yeah…a little covert action.

Laurel Brooks
Speaking of Zoomie, where is she?

She's out by the garage, trying to hot-wire a couple of Luthor's limos.

Dave Songer
Where's your vehicle Rhen?

We parachuted in by plane. That's why we didn't run into the second task force on the way here.

Yeah. The minute we arrived in Metropolis we went straight to the airport and got a plane to drop us off here. We came in through the roof.

Jon Knutson
That explains why Luthor's henchmen didn't pick you up as intruders…I bet he doesn't have those pressure pads set up in the roof.

That's right…who'd expect someone to come in through the roof.

Jon Knutson
Okay, everybody get your things, we're going to the Daily Planet, pronto.

Mike Williams
What about Supes, Jon.

Jon Knutson
Someone's going to have to stay here and try and revive him. The rest of us have to get going.

Heidi Lanam
I'll stay. I can use my skates to try and chisel the ice away. There is an opening in the ice, by his forehead, so the beam can touch his brow. I'll start there.

Jennifer Baker
I'll stay with you Heidi, and give you a hand.

Jon Knutson
Alright, the rest of you let's move out.

The group tie up the henchmen and then file up the stairs and outside where Zoomway is waiting with two limos.

Anyone call for a taxi?

We did Zoomie! Let's hit it, Lex and the Toasters are about to roast the Daily Planet.

Dave Songer
I'm glad to see you Zooms…I figured you'd be lurking around some corner.

(with a faint smile)
Dave, I never lurk…I'm always in the open where everyone can see me.

The group pile into the two limos and go racing off toward the Daily Planet. Meanwhile, Heidi and Jennifer shut off the laser beam and try chipping away at the ice.

EXT. - On the road to Metropolis.

How much of a head start do they have on us?

Dave Songer
About 20 minutes, but we have an advantage. They're probably just cruising along, not suspecting we're following them, while we're traveling almost as fast as a speeding bullet!

Laurel Brooks
Hey, look over there, there's some smoke coming from those clump of trees.

The limos slow down and Dave Songer exits from the first vehicle and Tad from the second. The two race over to where the smoke is. A vehicle is turned over on it's side.

Hey Dave, there's something moving on the other side of the vehicle.

The two proceed over to the other side and find several people on the ground struggling to get to their feet. It's the members of Task Force Two.

Dave Songer
Wow! Are you FOLCs okay? What happened?

James Esteves
(Trying to get to his feet)
I don't know. The last thing I remember was I was sitting in the back of the car and all of a sudden this car comes bearing down on us with high beams on and runs us off the road. Must have caught Kathy Pernisek off guard.

Nico Grzeschik
(shaking the cobwebs out of her head) I probably should have been driving. We are always prepared for the unexpected when driving in Germany on the Autobahn.

Gail Lefkowitz
(Holding the side of her head)
Oh my aching head…did anyone get the license plate of that vehicle?

I didn't see anything except a blinding light.

Odette Havel
(coming to)
I hope that wasn't the boyscout troop I was supposed to chaperon?

Tad Hardly, it was the Toasters.

Dave Songer
Yeah, and if we don't get to the Daily Planet PDQ there's going to be no more newspaper!

Can you FOLCs walk okay?

Gail Lefkowitz
We can fly if we have to, thank you very much.

Dave Songer
Okay then, let's hit it.

The group pile into both limos and once again race off toward the Daily Planet building.

EXT. - Outside the Daily Planet Building

Perri Smith and Diane Levitan are pinned down behind a car, trying to keep Lex and the Toasters at bay until reinforcements can arrive.

(firing off shots from her stun gun) Boy, we're going to be toast if the gang doesn't get back soon.

(ducking back down after firing some shots) I hope they bring some marshmallows. It's hot enough around here for them.

Toaster #1
Hit'em again boys!

The Toasters flame the car in front of Perri and Diane and it catches on fire. Perri and Diane are forced to retreat back behind the swinging doors of the Daily Planet.

We're history. Well Diane, it's been nice knowing you.

Likewise Perri.

Outside the Daily Planet Building, the Toasters are gathered around Luthor's limo as Luthor addresses them from the open back window.

Luthor Okay boys…time to get the party started. You may commence with demise of the Daily Planet anytime you're ready.

Toaster #1
Boys, let's party!

The Toasters begin to fire up their flame-throwers, but suddenly a limo emerges from around the bend heading directly toward Luthor's limo. Mrs. Cox tries to drive Lex's limo in the opposite direction, but another car turns the opposite corner and races towards them.

Mrs. Cox, what's wrong?

Mrs. Cox
It seems we're blocked in. We're going to have to shoot our way out.

I have a better idea. While these morons are slugging it out with the Toasters, we make a break for the sewer cover.

Both cars stop and UMF members empty out and begin exchanging unfriendly fire with the Toasters. Meanwhile Perri and Diane emerge from inside the Daily Planet building. Thus the Toasters are caught in a three way shoot-out. Lex Luthor and Mrs. Cox emerge from their limo and make a break for the sewer. Just as they begin to run, a sound is heard form in the sky. It's a bird, it's a plane, it's resplendid man, no it's Superman, carrying Jennifer Baker and Heidi Lanam. The three land about 50 feet from Lex Luthor and Mrs. Cox.

Going somewhere Luthor?

Yeah…someplace where you're not. Let's go Mrs. Cox.

The two criminals begin to run but Superman uses his superbreath to freeze the ground underneath them. As Lex and Mrs. Cox struggle to keep their balance Heidi puts on her skates and begins skating on the frozen street toward Lex and Mrs. Cox. Just before Lex and Mrs. Cox reach their destination, Heidi pounces on them and sends them both to the ground.

I can't believe you were going to leave without saying goodbye Lex.

(on the ground and dazed)
You think you're so smart don't you. Well this is only round one, and the bell's about to sound for round two!

Not in this lifetime Luthor…now stand up and put your hands in the air.

Heidi escorts Mrs. Cox and Lex Luthor back to the UMF force who have now disarmed the Toasters. As the police wagon pulls up, Luthor turns back to his captors.

I'll be back. So you best get ready 'cause when I come back next time I'm going to put an end to all of you.

Mike Williams
(with a smirk)
Boy, I'm shaken' already.

Me too, I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep tonight.

Yeah, Yeah. You laugh now, but we'll see. He who laughs last, laughs best!

Dave Songer
Yeah, and you can pick your friends and you can pick your nose but you can't pick your friends' nose, now get him outta here before I hurl.

The police escort Luthor, Mrs. Cox, and the Toasters into the police wagon and take them away.

Say everybody, I want to thank all of you for your help. I couldn't have done any of this without you. You were all pretty brave.

Jon Knutson
Actually, we would have been history if it wasn't for Andrea, Zoomway, and Rhen. If they hadn't come along who knows what would have happened.

Don't worry Jon, we'll send you a bill.

The group begins to mingle as Lucy Lane emerges from the building with Perry White. After checking with her sister to see if she's okay, Lucy goes over by Suen to make certain he's okay.

Suen, are you okay?

I'm fine Lucy. Let's go grab a pizza, I'm starved.

Jon Knutson
Well, I think we deserve a break. We can head back to headquarters tomorrow. I'll call it in to Bob and tell him and Tara and Melinda the good news.

Dave Songer
(Walking with Perry White back into the building)
Say Perry, did you ever think of putting a TOP 10 List inside your newspaper?

Perry White
No I can't say that I have.

Dave Songer
What do you say we start off with a TOP 10 list about Elvis?

Perry White
(starting to become more interested)
Super…let's go into my office and discuss it.

Perry White and Dave Songer enter the Daily Planet Building.

James Esteves
Well, that's it for me, what do you say we go grab something to eat Mike.

Mike Williams
I'm game…lead on James.

Heidi Lanam
Count me in.

Jennifer Baker
Me too!

Laurel Brooks
Let's make it a party.

Gail Lefkowitz
(turning back to the others)
Coming gang?

Nico, Odette, Kathy, Franny, Laurel, Perri, and Diane begin to join the rest of the group.

Well, I guess since we're now part of the UMF force…officially that is, I guess we should join the team.

Sounds like a good idea.

Let's go then.


What's wrong?

I think I may have left the bath water running back home.

We can clean up the mess tomorrow…let's go.

With any luck I remembered to turn it off.

Wait a minute, where's Tad?

Mike Williams
Better yet, where's Lois?

Everyone looks about until their eyes stop on Lois and Tad who are going around and around in the revolving door of the Daily Planet building…their eyes fixed on each other.

You know, this guy is beginning to wear out his welcome…he's messing with my girl.

James Esteves
(To the rest of the members)
That boy don't ever learn does he?

Everyone looks at each other and then answer in unison.

Nope…that's our Tad.

And with that, everybody climbs into the limos and they take off down the street. Superman takes one more look over at Lois and Tad, shaking his head in disbelief before leaping into the air.


This ends SOME LIKE IT HOTTER, another list member story from Dave Songer.

